Sorry to interrupt, but is that Asian Daniel Craig?
Sorry to interrupt, but is that Asian Daniel Craig?
For a second I thought you said "he" was shot during the possession receiver part of his career. I mean, he was teammates with Plaxico for a while.
He's now worked with Bane and Bob Costas.
I found it interesting that of the trilogy, "The Dark Knight" is really the outlier. The others really had almost a mystical quality to them, and they both required quite a bit more suspension of disbelief. They felt a lot more like "superhero" movies whereas the second was more of a crime movie that happened to have…
Yeah, but Dan Patrick was a cop too, so.
HEY, it was on TV first. Danza doesn't do that direct-to-video shit.
Honestly, if I was a goober like Sandler is (okay…I'm even more of one than he is), I'd love playing a former NFL QB who still has skills. I can't blame him for trying harder here.
Yeah, Montana was pretty adamant a few years back that it was all a joke. Literally, they carried him off the field as a joke.
Yes, but putting "Little Giants" on a pedestal really undermines progress on the serious concussion issue in recent years.
I Ctrl+F'd "Any Given Sunday" to find this. C'mon guys.
I've come to love quoting Ben Mendelsohn's lines from that movie. Obviously, in as slow and slurred a voice as possible.
I'm just trying to picture their thought process.
Who the fuck downvoted this?
Samantha can't watch though. Or else she has to pay a hundred.
How about Spike Jonze?
Hey Kevin, weed, amirite?
I loved this episode.
I don't know, I thought his appearance was fine. Maybe it was only because it happened to New York, but he's a guy who has created some of the most iconic moments in film to take place in New York, his lifelong hometown. And plus, the Academy reached out to him personally (not the other way around) to speak from the…
I can't find a video, but I always got a kick out of The Simpsons "Behind the Laughter" episode where the stars of Hollywood create an elaborate fake awards ceremony just to reunite the Simpson family. The camera then pans to Woody Allen sitting with a boatload of awards, remarking "I knew it was too good to be true!"…
I forgot about that, although they were in the same movie like Pacino and DeNiro were in "Heat" together. (EDIT: I forgot they were actually in a scene together. The obviously better example is "Godfather Part II.")