It was immediate for us watching, but for the characters they were together for three years before that happened.
It was immediate for us watching, but for the characters they were together for three years before that happened.
Because the narrative whiplash was what they were going for. The idea behind the finale seems to be taking us to the traditional ". . . and they all lived happily ever after" moment, then showing how the characters' lives keep going past that moment. Basically it's a somewhat longer and more dramatic version of the…
Hear hear!
I don't buy that. It's not like they got to the series finale and only just then realized they had this pre-filmed ending they had to fit in. They knew about it this footage the whole time, and if they wanted to, they could have spent the last season showing all the problems with Barney and Robin's relationship,…
But Barney and Robin DID get together, as did Ted and the Mother. If the finale had simply stopped at the moment Ted met the Mother, nobody would be calling it a shaggy dog story.
I like the hints that things are going on in the characters' lives that we don't see. Laurel and Mari are total buds, John Constantine's gone on a trip to Hell . . .
I want the season finale to have a scene set on the same rooftop where Sara was killed, and Malcolm suddenly gets three arrows in his chest. As he's dying, we see Thea, in full Speedy outfit, crying a little, saying, "Malcolm Merlyn, you have failed this city."
The trick is that, with each outlandish detail she brings up, it's clear the sheer outlandishness of her situation is a big part of why she's so upset. She's not just mad because her biological father is a bastard. She's mad because he's a bastard in the archest, most bat-shit insane way possible.
Telling them that Blaine's dealing Utopium leads to Blaine being arrested and the whole "zombies are real" thing getting blown open.
Jaha mentioned that Raven was sorting out scrap metal for bullets this episode, so I think the show answered it, too.
The writers don't seem to know how to handle Damon having more than one platonic friend at a time.
Part of why I love How I Met Your Mother is they include a guy-whisks-the-bride-away-from-her-wedding story told from the rejected groom's point-of-view.
And, as Bellamy points out, it's not like Trikru is so much better than Azgeda; the attempted genocide of the 100 in Season 1 was all them.
They don't have a Council because Kane's the only Council member who survived the destruction of the Ark. And with everything else that's been going on, I guess they haven't gotten around to electing a new one yet.
I have a serious fear that amputation is in Raven's future.
How phenomenol were Eliza Taylor and Bob Morley in that scene?
Not only that, but Lexa tried to have Octavia murdered because she knew the truth about the missile attack. While Clarke ultimately talked her out of it, initially Lexa was going to kill an innocent person who was fighting on her side, simply because of something she MIGHT do. People seemed to get over that pretty…
Although, Season 2 did have the bit in the bunker where he was against torturing or executing the Grounder they had captured. That does show some growth.
I'm thinking they might try putting a big fence up around Arkadia's territory and going, "Any Sky Person crosses this boundary, they die."
Lexa is not afraid to take a controversial stand and say, "Genocide is bad, you guys."