raven wilder

You seem to be missing the part where not everyone in Mount Weather agreed with the blood and bone marrow harvesting. Some actively fought against it, while others were young children who never had a say in the matter. Those are innocent people who were killed for the benefit of Clarke's people.

Again, prison escapes ARE rare. It's just, if you put a couple million different people in prison, even a rare thing is going to happen a number of time.
As for reproducing the effects of Kilgrave's powers, wouldn't that require giving his powers to someone else, unleashing another mind controller on the world?

Prisoners DON'T escape all the time. Yes, I saw your statistics, but when you consider that the United States incarcerates literally MILLIONS of people, that's still only a fraction of a percent actually involved in escape attempts.
And what would drawing blood prove? It would show he has a weird virus in his system,

"It was an auto-erotic asphyxiation party. We were doing auto-erotic asphyxiation."

See, that prison didn't strike me as being a permanent solution. For one thing, they don't have enough people to keep a watch on the place 24/7. For another, it's not entirely clear how feeding Kilgrave and cleaning up after his bathroom related messes would work. Plus, I'm pretty sure forcing someone to perpetually

Since when is Jeri their friend? Jessica makes her complete disdain and distrust of Jeri evident early and often.

It was botched in the sense that they allowed an untrustworthy opportunist unrestricted access to Kilgrave's cell.

I'm gonna attribute it to peer pressure. Remember, these cops don't know how Kilgrave's powers work; they don't know that everyone will be free of his influence in 10 to 12 hours. When one of the cops feels Kilgrave's command lose its power, they might think they're the only one who's broken free of it, and that

Well, as long as you're in Kilgrave's presence, he can always correct you if you try weasling out of his commands, and will likely punish you for the attempt. Finding a loophole only works if he gives you a command and then leaves before you can finish it.

All those non-murdery solutions rely on the premise that you can convince a court of law that Kilgrave's mind control powers are real and need to be contained. The closest Team Jessica could come to doing that required a very convoluted setup, a great deal of luck, and putting innocent people's lives in danger. And

I love when the sherpas point out that, if Homer REALLY wants to prove he can climb the mountain on his own, he should start over from the bottom, and even Homer at his noblest isn't going to have any of THAT.

That's a RIGHT triangle, ya idiot!

That's why some showrunners game the system by giving their comedy shows hour-long episodes, tricking critics into thinking they're watching a drama series instead. See: Jane the Virgin, which could best be described as a more warm-hearted Arrested Development.

Turns out Mount Weather is actually a majority shareholder of the A.V. Club, and they know how to hold a grudge.

A long hiatus has a way of doing that. Especially since Season 1 and Season 2 aired so close together, it feels like it's been forever since the Season 2 finale.
Glad reviews will resume for Season 3. Looking forward to reading them then!

The 100 is indeed awesome.

I count myself lucky as having come to the first season via Netflix, so I could breeze through the first couple episodes pretty quickly, and once I hit episode three, I was hooked.

It's hard to say. iZombie is by far the more consistently great show. The Flash, meanwhile, often dips into being really hokey and doesn't always have the best dialogue, but when it's at the top of its game it's easily the most joyously fun thing on television.

But soon Season 3 will be here, and all will be well.

As long as you're just looking at your phone, not talking on it or receiving any calls, what exactly is the problem?