Promiscuous Text

True fact: If you can silence people, then they don't exist.
According to the ADL global antisemitism report, 14% of Canadians hold antisemitic views. That's 3.8 million. Very few! True, not all are "neo nazis"they just hate Jews. http://global100.adl.org/#c…

So if you *don't* punch someone who espouses offensive ideologies, you're legitimizing them? 'They do it in secret anyway" And for the time being, in public as well. That is until you punch them all into not doing that any longer. Then we won't know what they're saying, or planning, or who they are. Good plan.

Really? I think driving speech into secret places is exceedingly dangerous. Racist ideologies need to be mocked and ridiculed as a means of taking away their power. You can't do that if you force them to speak and breed in secret.

Goddamn it! I was reading that comment and was going to post the exact same thing. This is what I get for discussing things with you!

I am so glad I am not the only one WTFing at that opening paragraph. I don't think the author knows the Paleolithic spans a period of over 2.5 million years, and there is no evidence to support what he is trying to claim. Somehow, he/she either conflated or confused Paleolithic and Neolithic.

Oh thank goodness. Is it really you, Soylent Green? Soylent Green, there is more than one of you! You might imagine the other's surprise when I accosted him earlier this week and demanded he recap a Walking Dead article I did not want to read. He refused and I had to yell at him. The article went unrecapped, and now I

Crap! I didn't know there was more than one of you. GODDAMN IT I WANT MY WALKING DEAD ARTICLE RECAPPED!

I was hoping you'd do a recap of this article so I didn't have to read it.

They only eat people who can write snappy dialogue and compelling stories.

I have been mostly on board regarding the racial overtones/undertones you're picking up from the show, and how race plays a huge role in the way (depending on the color of one's skin) we interact with police, authority and society, and the way they interact with us. Frankly, I think we both may be assigning a

Christ almighty. You're being paid to watch a television show and write a review. You clearly only did half your job. Love the how; hate the show, IDGAF, but could at least get a major plot point right rather than rewriting the script to fit whatever point you're trying to make? Did you flip a coin to determine which

That hurts. But I guess a guy needs to dream.

Maybe it's because I stopped watching this grease fire after the first episode of this season, but I enjoy his recaps. I gave up the show, but I can't give up the comments and Soylent's snarky play by play.

I have never read that book, but I have read quite a bit about the genetic testing results. I was thinking in the context of this story and how Roanoke is a main theme, and remembering all the folk legends about how the Melungeons were the descendants of the lost colony. They're not a well known group in the popular

I am wondering if the woodsmen might be Melungeons. There used to be some old folklore that Melungeons were descended from the lost colony of Roanoke. Their origins are mysterious and have a unique multi-racial make up.

It's cool, Mrs A. It's really interesting for me as an observer to see how people on the internet (mis)interpret the words of others; in this case, of someone I know in real life, and how they read it through the lens of their own perspectives and biases. Heh, this particular interaction between everyone is kind of

As loathe as I am to defend Mrs Alger, and she doesn't need my defense anyway- but I really wish AVC would make a designated area for dick chat. A place where people could pretend to care *about* and *for* your boners, so this shit could be kept off the damn comment sections, and people who wanted to avoid it, could.

The smartest thing you've said in this thread is "duh".

I have certainly been put in my place with such an unassailable counterargument given by a man so clearly at home in the world of ideas.

You're making the case that "pussy" both connotes *and* denotes vagina, and pussy has inherent negative properties, whereas "vagina" does not. If you're going to argue that x denotes y, then you're giving a *definition* of an object and its properties. But what you're doing is saying x *connotes* y therefore x is bad.