This whole endeavor has been as useless as that yellow, lemon shaped rock over there. Wait a minute, there's a lemon behind that rock!
This whole endeavor has been as useless as that yellow, lemon shaped rock over there. Wait a minute, there's a lemon behind that rock!
Also, "A Touch of Cloth II" is on Sky1 at 9. The ads look really terrible, but the first one was gleefully silly so I'll be checking it out.
My guess, his PR team told the interviewer specifically to bring up the question so that he could deny it and maintain his image.
Oh yeah, he's a real chameleon. Like in Limitless, he's a nerd, so he wears glasses, and then later we find out that when he takes off his glasses (wait for it), he was beautiful all along!
He went to the pub for a pint.
It was right next door to the lovely girls competition.
I think Hot Fuzz is the funniest from start to end, I think The World's End is beautifully melancholic and bizarre, but Shaun is just so great. I dunno, all three are fantastic, do we have to rank them?
I thought the fight sequences were fantastic. The first fight in the pub was also hilarious, as Frost's character loses his temper with the whole crazy situation and begins to mercilessly beat the robots with a stool.
Charlatan! Pegg is fantastic in The World's End, cleverly swapping his usual dynamic with Frost. He's not only hilarious in it, but also so sad and damaged.
This isn't first kiss, but same themes.
"Since then, I've caught him several times doing it"
That's so inappropriate and horrible for a kid to experience. Some discretion could have at least been employed by your dad. Sorry @avclub-6ef36c8de89f58253dbbd5f338837bf1:disqus , I don't think anyone should have to deal with such parental negligence and allow that…
It's such a beautiful and sincere moment. It's just a crushing moment of realisation for a young kid. The moment pretty perfectly encapsulates the trials and tribulations of youth.
I wumbo, you wumbo, he/she/we wumbo. Wumbo, wumboing…Wumbology, the study of Wumbo? It's first grade, Spongebob!
I really hope this gets quickly cancelled. Not just because of its racist content, but because it looks deplorable and completely unfunny. But then again, for all those reasons, the show will probably run for 10 seasons and will become invincible as MacFarlane and co work out their weird daddy issues.
Electric looo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooove.
I like to think she exploded in a fit of rage when Dern got nominated for an Emmy.
Do you really need to make it so black and white? Do you really think that severe sexism and criticism of someone's looks should be tolerated on any thread?
As a religious person, I certainly don't care if someone is atheist. Faith is personal and just because Gervais is atheist, it doesn't sully how fantastic The Office is. But his grandiose notions of being superior simply because of his lack of faith is very annoying.
@TribalistMeathead:disqus completely agree. It's such a great concept, poorly executed, then turns to shit as Gervais attempts to once more proclaim his greater-than-thou act with atheism.
Shh, stop applying logic whilst we're unfairly viewing art through a weirdly judgmental lens.