An Emmy nomination for Arnett could have changed his whole career. He was on the verge on breaking out, he could taste those meaty leading man parts in his mouth.
An Emmy nomination for Arnett could have changed his whole career. He was on the verge on breaking out, he could taste those meaty leading man parts in his mouth.
That score is incredible. It was almost like another character, so heartbreaking, but not overbearing, in moments of silence.
I know, that's why I said it was deserved. I was responding to @Bitenuker:disqus happiness about the nomination.
Driver is up and coming and was seriously snubbed last year. Also, Adam had some really great moments, including all his AA stuff.
Of course you fucking do. Can't you talk about something else?
I know a lot of you don't like Girls, but both Modern Family and Big Bang Theory were nominated too. They obviously deserve to be booted off the list before Girls.
The aspect of the show I most enjoy is the comments of the reviews (and the reviews themselves). All you guys make the show worthwhile.
She didn't put herself forward. Williams is fantastic, but neither probably would have been nominated if the vote was split.
LAURA DERN! She so deserved that nomination. Of course, it's a complete injustice that the show, undoubtedly one of the best of the year, wasn't nominated for best comedy, writing or direction, but it's great that it got some recognition.
Farmiaga is probably the single best thing on the show. She definitely deserves her recognition. It's shitty though that it had to come at the cost of Orphan Black or Mad Men, but then again, that Downton Abbey certainly doesn't deserve a place either.
I agree that it wasn't "Mad Men" in terms of storytelling, but it sure was addictive. It had the perfect elements for the viewer to keep going, dismissing all the boring shit just enough so that you crave the next episode.
I think Wright is fantastic on the show, doing so much with so little, and although Spacey can be a bit hammy, it was still deserved. However, this was Stoll's moment. He's not going to get a chance next year. This felt like his big break so I feel bad for the guy.
This is only out now? It was released ages ago in Ireland. I hope it does well though, there's far too few Irish natives working in the film industry these days.
I really like Inland Empire. It wasn't Mulholland Drive, but then again, very few movies are. I just wish "IE" was prettier. It was so grimy and dirty in appearance, which is part of the point, but Lynch can make such beautiful films, that it was particularly garish.
Really? Will Arnett, though a handsome man, looks kind of goofy. Wilson has a harsher (more manly?) face, I think.
This may seem like a stupid question, but who are the next generation of great horror directors? The only one (or one of the only ones) that genuinely scares me is Ti West, but there's surely more than that.
Well, her love of children dressing up and acting much older than they are continues in the Christmas episode, and subsequent episodes, with her love of babies dressed up as grown-ups.
I loved how they didn't make her totally innocent. It would have been very easy for her to have just randomly shot a kid and that she was the victim, but they really elevated it. Her weed and drunkenness felt so real, it made is more heartbreaking BECAUSE she was in the wrong.
Yeah, but the scene on the TV wasn't from this season. AMATEURS!
Wasn't the budget for House of Cards 100 mil though? And that's just one show. They also had 3 other shows, and are producing 8 next year. Insanity.