
Supposedly the staff and correspondents are all staying on. Give him a chance I think he has a lot of potential … did you watch his stand up special?

This comment is also very important.

So you dislike the show because you think "everything is racial" but you only tune in when something "racial" happens, and so you see this as "fueling racism." Just read that back to yourself.


A groundbreaking show bringing a taboo subject into the light with respect and an aim toward social progress?? Total bullshit, back to WWE!

I am SO FUCKING SICK of people bashing this gorgeous and courageous woman and this historic show. How many people who are commenting negatively even watched the show last night? I did and it was incredibly moving and nothing like Keeping Up With The Kardashians. This is a show about a very famous very public person

Take your bigotry and transphobic nonsense to Fox News fucko!

Woo an A at last at last!!! This has to be my favorite show on Sunday nights right now (fuck you True Detective). It is so underrated and under-appreciated (only 20 comments!) but I feel lucky that I am one of the few that gets to enjoy this wonderful gem. I really hope AMC pulls through and renews HACF for a third

Upvoted for name/avatar/comment synergy.

Real McCoy "Another Night" is still one of my all time favorite songs, no lie.

So bummed after this episode that there wasn't more. What a charming and genuine British gem!

I've hung out with Luda (just call him Chris) twice because my friend was boning him in/after college and he is one of the nicest dudes ever. On the night I met him we went to a get together at some random old white billionaires house in Bel Air. The party consisted of the billionaire's 24 year old sexy costume model

Speaking of who said it … I was watching 30 Rock on Netflix (S3 "Cooter") and Jack literally pitches Donald Trump's campaign slogan to Matthew Broderick, "let's make American great again." I spit out my water I laughed so hard. T Rumps IS Jack Donaghy?!?

Speaking of crazy racists … his leaked n-word rant just got him dropped from the WWE. Whatchya gonna do?

How are there this many characters on the show?! The cast has, what, 40 actors attached now? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

This was a real mind fuck of an episode. That last scene definitely scrambled my reading on the "is he or isn't he real" debate. For the first time we have Mr. Robot talking to the other members of fsociety while Elliot is in the room and not standing directly in the same space. And we have Mr. Robot bumping into

Upvoted for "Pizzolato is History's Greatest Monster"

How about No!!! No plugs! How are you this obtuse?! I will never engage in a conversation about any shows with you and will continue to flag your comments because you are a spammer polluting these message boards, period.

Your comments are always borderline spam because you are never not plugging your website. It's pretty annoying for all of us who are more than satisfied discussing the review we are reading and engaging with the commentaries HERE. Can you ease up or stick to your own blog? Blerg.

I live in the U.S. and was taught a lot about the Revolutionary War including American and British "characters." Where are you from that they did not teach you about the creation/freedom of the United States?!