
Yes yes yes same same same

A B- grade is literally insane especially since the community grade is an A / A- right now. Can we get a different reviewer for the rest of the season perhaps? No offense Dennis but I am just too confused with the grading discrepancy here. Maybe you need to rewatch it when you're in a better mood.

Pouring one out for the too soon cancelled gem that was Selfie

The pilot was great! Why isn't it getting more love from the reviewers?




It was complete bullshit!!! I'm praying the writers somehow come back from this and maybe there is a big twist that will save it/reveal this episode wasn't as straightforwardly awful as it appeared, but in NO WAY was this an A episode. I'm actually shocked how terrible it was.

"Such an info dump could easily have become pedantic, not to mention boring, which is the exact opposite sensation a mystery show wants to evoke." —- I felt like this info dump WAS pedantic and boring. I've been fully onboard with Wayward up until now, in fact I've really liked it, but tonight I was vastly let down

Why is Lorne so into Jost?? I just don't get how he has Lorne's full backing as head writer AND Weekend Update anchor AND movie scribe. SNL clearly is not at its best right now and the Jost/Che anchorage has been given long enough to find its footing. He's just not very funny. This film sounds cliche and uninspired

So then did the lawyer shit the bed? Or do you blame Ehrlich.

Eeek! A movie trailer that actually makes me want to see the movie?! IThanks to this trailer and the other teaser that is faux documentary style makes me actually want to see this in theaters, which I never do. Nice job Rids!

What about in memorizing the lyrics or every song from the movie. And doing impressions of most of the characters (Cartman and Shelly are my best).

1995: My 3rd grade year (going on 4th) and pogs were life. The year after my power ranger card obsession and the year before my tamagotchi. When my wardrobe consisted only of happy face t-shirts and bike shorts and I asked for extra homework from my teachers. When my favorite band was No Doubt and I had a

1999 was probably my favorite year for film (even though I was 12 at the time). What are your favorite films of that year? Mine are Being John Malkovich, Magnolia, The Talented Mr Ripley, Fight Club, Office Space and (don't judge me) South Park and Notting Hill.

Yes absolutely, in fact, I recommend it. If you watch the last season on HACF clip before Season 2 Episode 1 you'll be more than fine. This season is where the visual/tonal elements and the character development/plotlines finally come together in a totally radical way.

It was pretty obvious it was not the best thing for the lawsuit (as his lawyer and Ehrlich were begging him not to admit to using the Hooli comp) and therefore not the best for Pied Piper. Perhaps it was the best thing for Richard but shouldn't the needs of the company outweigh his in the moment need for coming clean?

Richard shitting the bed so hard at the end of each episode is getting tiresome. I wish this character would learn from his mistakes or hire someone else to be CEO and make the company decisions he manages to continuously botch. I get why Ehrlich is so Ehrlich and will always be Ehrlich (thus ridiculously blurting out

I'm shocked to say it but I'm really enjoying this season. Last season was a hot mess but now with the focus on Cameron and Donna's Mutiny and the boring Cardiff setting out of the way the show is actually fun. HACF 2.0 feels like an entirely new show and that is a good thing (80s Don Draper now has dimension! Cameron

The acting in Sense8 is on the same par as Kevin Spacey's?? This past season of HOC was definitely a mess but to me Sense8 was nonsensical.