Bucky Sinclair

Oh, but that stuff's been going around for years, now. It used to be that you would feel like a dummy if you didn't know something. Now it's a badge of honor.

Where's the part where there's a record scratch, and then James Brown's "I Feel Good" comes in?

So, is a "Chobot" an android designed to replace a previous "Olivia Munn" model, which proved disappointingly not as into geek culture as one had been led to believe?

As I've gotten older, I have found myself more and more likely to want to stay in my comfort zone, thank you very much.

Yet, they still live together in perfect harmony.

I like to start every "vacation" with Rubber Soul. Once the plane has reached altitude, and it's safe to operate electronic items, I'll put it on. As many times as I have listened to that album, by the time in "You Won't See Me" that John's response vocal "No I wouldn't, no I wouldn't" comes on, tears are rolling down

Yes, but is "Records" truly her middle name too?

I'm gonna be that guy. Back in the 50's, that was George Reeves. The guy in the 80's was Chris Reeve.

Election day can't get here quickly enough.

How would you feel about Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman teaming up with Batman '66?

Yes indeedy. There'll be so many pregnant pauses, we'll need to build a nursery. Much animated scenery will be chewed. Two of my all-time favorite pop culture heroes together. I couldn't be more pleased.

One of my favorite subversion of that was North Dallas Forty. You see them score what would have been "the tying touchdown," but the kicker misses the extra point.

Me too. I went to Elementary (or "Grade") school from K-8, and then I went to high school somewhere else. I will readily admit I'm older, but when did this "middle school" stuff really get started?

I've always wondered if Tom Hanks were to change anything he could, would he make Jimmy a little more than just a one-dimensional villain. It's always been one of the things that make the movie less than perfect

"Joy" is the best frickin' word. So much of this movie fills me with joy.

I know her character wasn't meant to be entirely pleasant, but it's saying something when Charlize Theron was only the second-prettiest young actress in the movie.

And, Hanks wrote it.

So very, very true. "All My Only Dreams," "Drive Faster," incredible, authentic-sounding '60's songs from another dimension. Our family knows Bob Torti, and my mom still calls him "Mr. Downtown." He's cool with it, it's his license plate!

If you do that, you'll never go back to the other 30 Flavors.

"In the meantime, Eee-Oh Eleven…"