Bucky Sinclair

C.S.I. Vulcan.

Upon Al's arrival in the Great Beyond, he was met by Tony Randall, who told him "Mingle, Murray, mingle."

Andy Garcia -> Jane Fonda

This time she will look like Amal Alamuddin.

I suppose it might be cool to set this back in the Rat Pack-era Vegas early sixties. Very easy to subvert the overt male-domination of that era with an all-woman heist team.

Go back little further, and get Angie Dickenson from the original.

As long as they're giving us leeway, why not?

Seriously, I wouldn't mind at all an "Ee-O-Eleven" by say, Queen Latifah.

I liked that Celebrity Bowling show a lot. Sorry it didn't go any further.

I won't go on this attraction, but I'll check YouTube the next morning to see the really good parts.

Yeah, the Twister attraction. If you ask me, that's the best part of this news item. Although I'll miss Bill Paxson's oddly lazy "reading the cue cards and cashing his check" performance and Helen Hunt's wifebeater.

Activating the Way, Way Back Machine, the Don Knotts comedy Ghost and Mr. Chicken. The garden shears in the throat of the picture. Throw in the organ music. Yikes!

I immediately thought of Welling, too.

Actually I was somewhat charmed by those brown paper bag puppets. I'll miss them.

Wait until they talk about Creature Features.

Chicagoans of a certain age will remember Wally Phillips on WGN played a lot of these in and around Halloween. That's where I heard The Dark and it scared the crap out of young Bucky. In a good way.

I've never attended Halloween Horror Nights, but I also suspected right away that the E.T. Adventure inspired that gag. From my visits, during regular hours, it doesn't seem like the cast member would be too amenable to using "unique" names. I'll take your word that other times call for other standards! By the way,

That last line gave me what you youngsters call the feels.

This man now owns a Bentley!

I'm pretty sure they don't give tours, as it's a working studio. I believe that tourism companies often book studio time for folks to go in and hang in Studio 2. Maybe they even put on the records in the control room.