Bucky Sinclair

"The Night We Called It A Day" was from Dylan's recent album of songs Sinatra made famous. I'm not sure if Dave mentioned that.

And the non-sequitur photos all had a running-joke caption. I wish I'd kept my book. I think I donated it to the library.

Easily my favorite from the CBS era. John Malkovich. 'Nuff said.

I've got the Late Night book right here at work. I'll give you some topics. Talk amongst yourselves.

I've got that one strain of early Letterman virus pretty bad to this day. I often find myself glancing at people and mumblling a famous person who they vaguely resemble. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the First Lady of American Theater, Miss Helen Hayes."

Cookie, remember some of those Friday episodes were ninety minutes? It was great to get more of Dave. Though, in retrospect, the extra thirty minutes were kind of padded out.

In Mexico, it's el Knob Grande.

My sister and I saw two tapings of the Late Night show. She had professional connections at NBC, so we had what were called "tape and hold" seats. We were able to bump the line and go directly up to the studios. I continue to thank her to this day, and have rarely if ever felt more like a big-shot. Though, at the same

Just in case anyone's wondering, those are actual synopses of actual shows. And if they weren't, would I be able to do this? *wiggles cards*

The NBC-era Letterman felt like one of the smart-asses from high school who didn't fit in with any clique at all (and sat in the common area and cracked wise about the jocks and the cheerleaders and the brains and the burn-outs with the other oddballs) got a talk show. Just like so many notable folks have admitted,

I got much more of an Oceans vibe, regardless of what the writers said about Leverage.

Really. Should I giggle at the production values when I'm listening to Sinatra?

Anyone ever heard of Les Swingle Singers? Any commercial or show in the 60's that didn't use the Tijuana Brass (or a soundalike) used Swingle Singers. This is quintessentially them: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

The number one rule of Newswire is, we don't talk about Newswire.

Speaking of typographical errors, there's also a "pus side" in one of the later paragraphs. Either that, or I don't want to know what a pus side is.

…to get away from the 2000-year-old man's stories?

TV Tropes calls it Hollywood Homely. Jim Rash talks about "TV Ugly."

Looking forward to Michelle Rodriguez punching some woodland creature in the face.

Am I correct in assuming "GFY" stands for "Good For You!"?
She was very pretty, though.

True. It doesn't change the fact that I feel like I need to go out and do some charity work or something after watching his show.