Bucky Sinclair

Sir Paul was briefly mentioned. But isn't he a fantastic example of both giving the people what they "want" (live concerts filled from front to back with Beatles music he still plays with seemingly everything he's got) and what he wants to try (just about everything else he does)? He clearly loves and is proud of his

Classic Jara burn.


Man, that "hoyay!" stuff on the old TWOP used to wear me out. Any time two male character shared intense emotion in a scene, it was always "just kiss already." I'll agree with y'all that subtext exists, but that was just wish-fulfillment gone overboard. Smallville was a great example. How else was the show going to

Isn't what we're doing here a little like what we used to dislike "old folks" like Steve Allen for, who would dramatically read rock lyrics as poems to try and show how vapid and ridiculous the lyrics were? After all, it's all part of the whole.

"Inconveniently distanced from the city?" There's a Blue Line Stop at Rosemont, and the town is right by the intersection of some of our major tollways. It's not really that bad.

If she were to cover that Divinyls tune, well, that would hit the spot.

He gets to see Cobie Smulders naked. What else does he want?

I saw PF in its first run. I clearly remember thinking when Willis and Rhames are tied up, I thought to myself that this is definitely not a "Bruce Willis movie." Then to my everlasting pleasure, he gets free and (stylishly) kills the bad guys, and young Bucky thinks hey, it kinda just is!

Paul Giamatti IS Larry Zbyszko…

Well, that's logical-ass.

Found On Road, Dead.

So a beautiful, presumably well-maintained classic American car with an unique provenance is "old-ass?"

Looks like Blue Bomber got his block knocked off!

One of McCartney's recurring bits these days is after playing Blackbird, he asks for a hand from everyone who learned it on the guitar. After the applause dies down, he very cheekily says "yeah, you're all playing it wrong."

For a nanosecond, I thought it was an overnight stay at Abbey Road. I'd bring a sleeping bag into Studio 2.

The Turtles "Your looks intoxicate me" with "even though your folks hate me."

You could have added "former Cub" but you covered that with "marginal."

He convinced two different networks that his act is funny? I don't think his so-called "jokes" are funny at all, mister.*

Sorry to be pedantic, but it's "If I WERE the captain." Subjunctive mood, people!