Todd wouldn't let me threaten anyone this time. :(
Todd wouldn't let me threaten anyone this time. :(
I always think of that episode as "the one that Noel Murray thought was a bit much." It's funny how much critical comment, even comment as typically level-headed as Noel's always is, can change how you look at something.
I actually ended up playing through all three Bioshock games this summer, and enjoyed all of them—I found Bioshock 2 had an eh climax (hey, remember all those people you fought? Here's ALL OF THEM), but the story moved along at a good clip, and it never felt like a waste of time or pale imitation. Glad to hear someone…
A mix-up on my part which has since been corrected.
That's my secret. I'm always peeved.
At this point in the TV series, I believe she is. (Admittedly, there are any number of people on the show who have are far more unlucky than her, but to me, "hapless" implies a certain fundamental lack of control in one's own fate, and that seems like Sansa's defining trait at this point. She's just a pawn other…
It's almost as if a shadowy cabal specifically designed the title looking to lure people in under false pretenses, for some greater purpose that we can only comprehend distantly, like a storm on the horizon, lightning dancing in the night.
I didn't much care for the first half of season 1 either, but it turns out I quit reviewing it just as the show was getting good. No promises, but you should give it another shot. It's quite nifty.
I only watched the first half of the season, but for a while, I was convinced that Abraham was playing a ghost/figment of Saul's imagination.
It was necessary, I think. Taste doesn't really enter into it for me. (Although I guess by saying it was necessary, I'm putting it on the side of the "good.")
This isn't in the top three; we're still doing top 15. (I'm not sure when the top three will hit, but you'll know when it does. Because there will be FIREWORKS*.)
(*There will not be fireworks.)
I didn't dislike her! I was more pointing out that her existence kind of underlines how tired the show was getting with some of its own devices.
Yes, I've seen it. But I won't tell you what I thought of it until next week. I hope you can live with that.
I really liked him as the hero of DEMON KNIGHT—he makes such a fantastic villain, it was neat to see him play a good guy for once.
That's good?
Dammit, it's a song called "Ball and a Biscuit." You meant Iron Maiden. I have failed.
Hm. Perhaps I have been remiss for not considering the power of the White Stripes.
Easiest, I think? Maybe my brain just isn't wired for this stuff.
I also have no idea why Disquis chose to use this account. Dammit.