
Dammit. Curse you, end of the show montages, and your extremely relevant but surprisingly easy to forget revelations!

When I've given up on an author's work on two novels, I'm leery about trying another one. To me, Stephenson's basic writer stuff (prose, characterization) is enough of a turn off to make it not worth the effort to get to the bits I like. But I'm curious.

When I've given up on an author's work on two novels, I'm leery about trying another one. To me, Stephenson's basic writer stuff (prose, characterization) is enough of a turn off to make it not worth the effort to get to the bits I like. But I'm curious.

The last season of Mad Men may have killed (or seriously wounded) my interest in the show, and I thought "The Other Woman" was lousy—but yeah, Hendricks losing is absurd. Really, that whole cast deserves hella awards.

The last season of Mad Men may have killed (or seriously wounded) my interest in the show, and I thought "The Other Woman" was lousy—but yeah, Hendricks losing is absurd. Really, that whole cast deserves hella awards.

You are not the only one. I tried getting through the audiobook, and gave up about a third of the way in for exactly that reason. (Admittedly, I'm a Stephenson skeptic; enjoyed Snow Crash, and I think I liked Cryptonomicon, but never got past the second half of Quicksilver.)

You are not the only one. I tried getting through the audiobook, and gave up about a third of the way in for exactly that reason. (Admittedly, I'm a Stephenson skeptic; enjoyed Snow Crash, and I think I liked Cryptonomicon, but never got past the second half of Quicksilver.)

Well, then you'd have a sixteen year old prostitute on your hand, which would raise a whole host of other issues.

Well, then you'd have a sixteen year old prostitute on your hand, which would raise a whole host of other issues.



Half the sentences I write in these reviews, I assume someone's going to throw a "just you wait" at me. But yes, I know the basics of what you're getting at here, and that was on my mind when I wrote the sentence.

Half the sentences I write in these reviews, I assume someone's going to throw a "just you wait" at me. But yes, I know the basics of what you're getting at here, and that was on my mind when I wrote the sentence.

Yes. Yes it is.

Yes. Yes it is.

I think someone mentioned that last week (was it you?), and that makes sense.

I think someone mentioned that last week (was it you?), and that makes sense.

"Mystery Spot" is, I think, my favorite episode of Supernatural.

"Mystery Spot" is, I think, my favorite episode of Supernatural.

Oh dear lord.