
I think the inclination to rank The Final Frontier above Nemesis is rooted in the fact that The Final Frontier does have a certain"so bad it's good!" quality, whereas Nemesis is just generic sci fi dreck.

From best to worst, per the Holy Scrolls of Nerddom:

Harbinger hits the nail on the head re: 28 Weeks Later. Both movies start strong and lose steam in the second half; the sequel just loses more steam than the original.

I swear I posted this simultaneously to Josh's post above re: 28 Weeks Later (i.e. his post hadn't appeared before I wrote mine).

28 Days Later
A lot of people were lukewarm about this one (if they saw it); I recall the AV Club writing that the second half devolves into "hamfisted allegory." Now, the second half does go a little Neville Shute existentialist crazy, but I've certainly seen allegories with hammier fists that were better received


This show was like a National Geographic cartoon…
…for people in the north that wanted to understand Texans. It was never funny, but gave us an exagerrated slice of Texan life that we could view from a safe distance, without even having to watch real flesh and blood humans (actual Southerners make us uncomfortable).

The directions must've been cut off.

Heat the pudding, morons
You're supposed to let the indian pudding simmer on a stove top awhile (thus making it a bit more palatable, while reducing it's diarrheal consistency). Looks like the AV Clubbers pretty much tried it out of the can, which would be like space aliens coming down to earth & taste testing

Same thing happened to me at a Tangerine Dream concert. The song was "Thru Metamorphic Rocks."

At Webster Hall, this year. It was good and loud. They are really a swell band— underappreciated I think— and their new album is fun.

Eddie Izzard
Watched "Dressed to Kill" with a vapid girl I dated a couple of years back— NO REACTION. NOT EVEN AN ATTEMPT AT PRETENDING TO LAUGH. I mean, c'mon! Even if you're thrown by the transvestite factor, you're usually on board by the time the squirrel puts on the makeup.

The girl from Neverending Story
Remember the girl that lived in the floating castle thing in Neverending Story? Wikipedia tells me the actress' name was "Tami Stronach." (Of Israeli/Scottish descent!) I thought she was fly. I was roughly her age at the time, so no, I don't have to let my neighbors know when I move

Innervisions or Songs In The Key of Life?
Please help me settle this one: