Or elvish
Or elvish
I prefer performances in which the actors learn their lines phonetically. That's why more movies should be shot entirely in Esperanto. Or in Klingon. Who's with me?
So did they let him use the line: "The sheep's rectum was absolutely pulverized, not unusual for a sheep from this region." If not, maybe he can work it into an episode of the Office, although I'm not sure which character would say such thing.
My DVR is a lot like a tool
I am waiting until my wife's not looking so I can watch this on my DVR. Besides that, I don't have anything to say except that I wanted to log in a leave a comment because it's been a while.
Pie is okay, but it's nothing to hurry up about
My wife grew up in Rome, which is in Italy. So sometimes I'll throw out a quote, and she has no idea what I am talking about. Then I'll expain the movie, and she'll be like "oh, you mean la storia delle goonies," and say the exact same quote back at me, but in Italian.
What about the one where Worf''s console beeped and he told the Captain that something was happening?
The lesbian sub context between 7 of 9 and Janeway would have been awesome, if it were with anyone except Janeway. Am I saying something obvious? I'm stating the obvious here aren't I. Sorry. I'm going back to bed.
What is an elipse?
IS it those three dots at the end of the sentence to indicate you are trailing off (or in non-fiction writing that you are going to skip around a bit in whatever you are quoting and pick up later in the paragraph), or is it another name for quotations mark?
"Some BSG stalwarts may have some difficulty with the muted science-fiction/action elements"
That's why you should always hire a lawyer before you consider selling your soul.
60 is the new 21. And if anyone gives you shit for saying that, take advantage of all those step aerobics classes we have to do at our age just to not get fat, and beat the upstart young punk into a bloody pulp. That's what I say.
His acting was rather sluggish after that.
No, chekhov's rule is to scream as loud as possible at the smallest excuse as many times as possible per episode.
It will make since if they bring in Seth Green to explain things, like they did at the end of last season. Or, this season but before the break. Oh, it's so nonsensical!
When Dygitalninja said it was derivative. What does that mean?
The baboon fluids were for keeping the baboon hydrated, obviously. And when I say baboon, I am attempting a double entendre.
I think what happened here is that the government has a lot of training on how to disarm someone with a gun, but not very much training on how to prevent yourself from being disarmed. I recall that on the first day of class when I went to the how to prevent someone from disarming you class, the first thing they said…
Walter is the best character on the show. This episode was the first time I have watched this show and not been annoyed out of mind mind by Olivia. I think the formula is (1) to have plenty of walterisms, (2) have Olivia do nothing other than run away from bad guys, beat up/kill bad guys, or get naked in front of…
never go full retard
That's the wisest comment so far. They should have way more Astrid and Walter, and a lot less Peter and Olivia and everyone else who is supposed to be a major character but isn't actually that interesting. Plus, Astrid is hot.