
There's a scene in PS where someone gets their hamstring cut? Boy, Stephen King sure does like having his characters cut each others hamstrings. Must be a thing with him.

I suspect most AV Club authors don't read The Hater, seeing as how her writing is unfunny, barely coherent, and repetitive in a way which suggest she cuts and pastes each new item into the last item's template.

Dwide - Rockstar came pretty close to that ideal. It ran for two great seasons and was populated by actual musicians (as contestants as judges) and producers.

The description of the movie doesn't read like there is anything horrible. What's the horror?

Emilio Estevez made a terrible movie?

They all look like Kirk Cameron.

Madonna's offspring
Hey everybody! A movie about Madonna's vagina

That is oddly specific.

Aw man, I kind of liked Love, Actually. Let me explain. I'm married, my wife enjoys romantic comedies. So I either watch Love, Actually and About a Boy or I get Kate and Leopold, Two Weeks Notice, and this.

Part of a WAVE! Get it.
Protagonist/Chosen One Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman) is the son of Poseidon, and just one of a huge wave of new demigods…

I have seen their show a couple of times based on recommendations from this site and never found it all that great. However, this was hilarious! Best Valentine's Day article, by far. If this is typical of what they do, maybe I'll give the show another chance. Also, that marks the first time I've ever laughed at…

I believe they mentioned the connection in the very first post wingnut.

Big Joke
I thought We Are the World was now widely regarded as a laughable vanity project even by those involved. I guess Lionel Richie really has no sense of humor.

Who do they think they are?
These guys can't tell me how to enjoy sex! Squeezing my balls and screaming is the only way I can cum. Fuck them and their heteronormative sexual mores.

"And what's the deal with Carol never going down on Jim?"
"And what's the deal with Carol never once letting Jim try anal on her?"

Wait, what fiasco? The fact that neither is doing well in their time slots and that we all predicted it months before they aired? Or is their something else?

Wouldn't they be shepherds not cowboys?

A direct descendant of Charlemagne! Wow! Except, he was born almost 1300 years ago so basically if you're Caucasian and alive today, you're probably also a direct descendant of Charlemagne.

Interesting that you tend to go with lighter fare now and popcorn stuff for the warmer months since that's the opposite of the way movies are usually released. Summer blockbusters and more substantial films in the winter.

No, wait. You're right.