
What is this movie?
Is this the "liberal" or non-believer equivalent of Ann Coulter's books? This AV Club discussion reminds me for example, of her book called "Treason" which says all liberals are treasonous because a few one the fringes are certifiable.

The sequel was Angels in the Outfield.

Dr. Scientist is right, he's hardly underseen. He's not in a lot of mainstream movies, but check out his filmography at imdb.com, he's been in a whole lot.

When are you guys gonna open up a decider.com in San Francisco? Come on, we're pretty cool too!

Maybe they bought it on eBay.

Aaron Eckhart
They made a movie out of this, it was called Thank You For Smoking, but it seemed funnier then, this just seems creepy.

I saw no reviews until this afternoon.

Screened for critics?
Was this movie not screened for critics ahead of time? I was no reviews up on metacritic or rotten tomatoes until this afternoon. I can understand why, just curious.

Those other Chicago film critics
Roger Ebert and R.J. Jones thought the film was damn near perfect. Expect it to win an Oscar.

I agree with you Emily, he started out on Broadway and did some fantastic work there, not that I'm a huge fan but I caught him in some great stuff, and then did Angels in America and now is stuck in this kind of crap. Oh well, he probably jumped at the chance to star in a movie with Samuel L. Jackson.

Are you kidding me? You think Mein Kampf bothers the FBI? Required reading.

Morgan Freeman?

Jason, tell us about this fist fight thingy you almost got in with a drunken brides uncle.

I thought it just described things that were spiraling out of control. Is this your personal usage or is there some kind of rule?

Who will stop the Analrapist?

@Lobsters 1 That's pretty funny, but why didn't you just say, "I'll never be famous so I'll have to settle for making fun of people who are more talented than I am."?

Sound alike
Does anyone else think Andrew Stockdale's voice sounds like Jack White's?

Jo Jo dancer? Seriously?
Let's not forget one reason for the box office failure of this film. Jo Jo Dancer… What is that?

Valerie Plame is cat woman

Who you calling a liberal!?