Toy Story 3. The concept of a malicious toy just puts me off. Stinky Pete from 2 was at least a wacky villain.
Toy Story 3. The concept of a malicious toy just puts me off. Stinky Pete from 2 was at least a wacky villain.
Am I the only one who thought of balls and an elect penis from that image above?
Tucker and Dale vs Evil indeed had an awesome trailer, but all the good "kill" scenes were spoiled in there. The feature actually felt like filling the gaps for the trailer's great punchlines.
Also they call him The Daltonator in the commentary.
Good to know he enjoyed playing Time Lord! I wondered if he was too high caliber for that role.
Signism is the new racism. It's worse than Japanese people's blood type prejudice. People can't choose which star they will be born under.
Krist Novoselic in World's Greatest Dad had no dialogue, but his cameo was funny.
Bunnies being killed and skinned made Roger & Me receive R-rating, allegedly.
John Constantine. Probably not a good idea, but still.
In defense of Frank Quitely, I saw this recent BBC4 documentary following his work and the man just works all day, sleeping on the studio floor, having a shower at railway station.
The Six Million Dollar Man still gives me the chills every time I watch it.
I'm not sure if they were critics or just writers, but Neil Tennant, Bob Geldof and Chrissie Hynde used to write for music publications before their musical career took off.
In medias res openings are so much used in comic books these days - a splash page with huge action, our hero in peril, then it goes back "some hours before" to tell what lead to the situation.
"Area Man No Longer Playing Up Resemblance To Kevin Spacey"
Happy Mondays' "Step On" comes to mind.
Um, you are missing out Nancy Allen.
Well, as an Asian, I must say DC did a good job "correcting" Chop-Chop from Blackhawk.
Wow this was just I was going to write about!
Fact: it's Cherry, not Chery, AVclub!
Yippee kay yay Mr. Falcon!