Didn't John Coltrane, like, die at the height of his commercial success? Also the vocalist from Blind Melon died after the commercial success but nobody would call them the greatest.
Didn't John Coltrane, like, die at the height of his commercial success? Also the vocalist from Blind Melon died after the commercial success but nobody would call them the greatest.
Why the hell IS there a watermelon there?
Since the stupid MPAA rule only allows just one use of Fuck in a PG-13 movie, finding this precious Fuck has gotten almost as enjoyable as finding a Wilhelm Scream in the movies.
Is the sequel going to be called Mariska Hargitay's Car?
I would like to think there's no Idris Elba, but just Stringer Bell in disguise for every roles.
Kudos on Young Romance. Kirby always drew beautiful damsels.
You see this cat Shaft is a bad mother—
Ah, in the last entry. I missed that.
I assumed David Lynch's Duran Duran movie, which I haven't seen, would be on this list. Is that considered as a documentary?
Can we have the animated version of his life story, you know, for the children?
The Late Eduardo Barreto's art on Titans after Perez was good. He really is underappreciated.
Mummer is generally overlooked as the album after Andy Partridge's breakdown, but it remains one of my favorite XTC albums. CD re-release is better than the original LP though, with some very nice B-side songs.
Say what you will for these movies, but some of them were actually cool for the youngsters who were experiencing the movie watching for the first time.
Millar's stories have gotten steadily formulaic:
I'm still sort of pissed that Asimov couldn't figure out how to continue Foundation series so he wrote prequels instead.
I remember going to a Fugazi show in Tokyo, just to find the room full of US military men (I assumed they were from the way they looked).
The problem with Ruffalo is that he already looks like The Hulk even when he's playing Banner.
And 100 Bullets would be a killer series if done right.
Wasn't Omar from The Wire supposed to be a bit character who was originally planned to be killed off in a couple of episodes?
It always bothered me that Tuvok actually fucked his holographic wife.