Generalfeldmarschall der Luftw

Yes, the joke that was your username was one of my very favorites of this episode. It's the only word I sort of know in Japanese. And desu ka, of course.

Could it be because women suck at writing, as well as every other endeavor that requires some actual creativity?

That's a strangely compelling idea, zebbart. Now go make it.

Yep, I also have enjoyed Todd's style here. Great and insightful writing.

Yes, this week's Futurama has one.

OOh, good find, Weasel. That one guy really does a good Goebbels.

Why is Dench on zat list, pray?

Nathan can stay on vacation. Todd is on a roll with his write-ups zese days. Really good stuff.

Yep, zese write-ups are certainly some of ze best and most insightful on AV Club. Great work, Herr VanDerWerff.

You know,
zat manicure girl is actually qvite beautiful. One vonders vhat became of her. Is she perhaps ze mozer of some later famous actress? She certainly seems to have ze genes for it.

A few years ago Alexei Sayle (briefly) had a column in Car magazine. It was sometimes very funny.

Surely we all agree that Hitchhiker is pretty much impossible to make a decent movie out of. Too much of its appeal comes from Douglas' use of language.

Gandalf isn't gay, just the actor playing him. In the books, everything that happens makes perfect sense if you just realize that two centuries earlier, Gandalf pumped and dumped both Galadriel and Arwen - but not in that order…

Indeed. Nice touch.

I disagree
with "the story is nearly crushed". It is entirely crushed.
Even I, not the most quantum-hostile or science-skeptic reader of hard SF, never in doubt about what "combat fog" may be, lost interest a third into the book and could only finish it by mobilization of my considerable willpower. I was not rewarded

Or "I have a bad feeling about this".
Or my favorite: "You assume too much".

Indeed we were bad-ass. Just look at my profile picture. And I was one of the milder ones, acquitted at Nuremberg and everything.

Machiavelli's "The Prince" was likely not meant as a serious guide to statesmanship, but bitter satire of the politics he observed in the circles he had moved. It was written in exile and contradicts pretty much everything else he wrote.

had many good things of this nature. My favorite is Pizzicato Five's "Baby Love Child" over the montage at the end of Leela's Homeworld. Though I think most prefer the ending of "Jurassic Bark".

I can confirm
that he's not Hitler. Not sure about Gibson. Never met him.