Lady Heartcore

April wears mostly Urban Outfitters and Ann frequently wears Madewell from what I've seen.

Weirdest complaint in the history of complaints—Not sure if it was my TV but did the lighting in the indoor Pawnee scenes seem weird?  Everyone looked washed out to me.

Favorite part of the episode. Nick gains logic only to lose his mind.

Pretty sure Tara's faking that pregnancy and is in cahoots with Wendy.

Obviously he'll never get out of the club, but don't make an excuse that you need to keep it going otherwise his death is for naught.  Didn't Opie always want out?

Jax, how dare you use Opie as an excuse to keep the club running.  Total #shinfo

I want the framed photo of the Asian Halperts.

They have yet to top the Chicago episode.  The Lincoln Lawyer is slightly better than Haymarket Riot, but I'd watch both weekly.

Welp, another season where Tig just up and kills someone out of rage which will ultimately lead to the this season's next Big Bad.

And to put it into perspective: Only 1 week has passed in the SOA timeline.  ONE WEEK. 

That ending with Jax though….

Was wondering if they were ever going to bring the whole "school shooting" aspect into the world of Charming.  There's been so much tragedy and gun control debate in the last 6 years, that I would think it's almost impossible to ignore on this show….and then there it is.

Rue in the Hunger Games even though so-called "fans" seemingly missed her entire character description when reading the book.

It's a strange era when Don, again, is my favorite of the episode.  Also, why would his friend tell Jerry what he said?  Dick move.

Finally.  I think we're all about ready to say goodbye at this point.

Thought this was really well acted but never really zoned in on the fact that Sutter turned Aimee into a Lush (Aside from his ex mentioning it) and if there were true consequences from it.  It seemed like a growing problem as she was essentially drinking almost as much as he was (albeit driving at the same time)  Did

First time I've truly liked Don for the entire episode in the history of Don.  I'm on board.

That immediately raised a flag, especially since cuts like that would never be seamless and also that the basketball footage jumps…essentially isn't that going to be one of the main clues as to how they figure out everything is wrong?

I mean, who knew that Jobs was such a crier?

As for character growth, I really love how Scott's coming into his own and becoming that True Alpha.  The scene with the mountain ash reminded me of Aang's finale in Avatar: The Last Airbender (animated series).  I keep seeing a correlation between them.