Lady Heartcore

Creepiest opening ever for this show?  
There was something about the dark druid that looked like Ms. Blake in the opener, but I kept thinking….that doesn't make sense because in several other episodes the Darach and Ms. Blake are in two completely different locations miles away from each other.  What does it all mean!

The only thing that would make sense was Eric's whole, "not wanting to turn anyone" complex

Also, VAMPIRE JAMES!  :heart with arrow through it:

That Eric flashback raised way too many questions about Eric's past—-including, who he was ultimately working for and why?  Mayhaps it doesn't even matter, but dammit the last thing I wanted to see was him howling over his dead sister.  EMOTIONS.

Rising up to say I still hate the casting for Young Peter Hale.  Now Derek on the other hand…

Wish I thought of this myself but:

Welp, since that character already died on New Girl…

Not enough love for the Sam the Eagle reference.

Why call 911 when there's a nursery song that must be sung!

Glad someone finally had the sense to glamour Terry's problems away, albeit going overboard instead of just making him forget he killed Patrick.  Also, there seemed to be no real urgency to him dying or concern about why/how he was shot.


and Pryde of the X-Men!

"This is a nightmare come true for me."

Never forget:

The voice to which I compare all other animated Wolverines!

Though the animation WAS clunky, this Series brought me into the Marvel world as a kid and I never looked back.  Now that the seasons are on DVD, I appreciate the show even more.  So many great one-liners (http://www.imdb.com/title/t… and they even had a female president!  No one seemed to think it was weird!

When they actually brought him back I was stunned slash in awe.

What really matters is that the keys were so cold!

Also, where was smoldering Uncle and why doesn't anyone ask about him? This just leads me to believe that he's the Druid since he once mentioned that he wasn't strong enough to fight…so he somehow is conjuring up the strength faster?  BUT, if Denton was taken by the same person conjuring the sacrifices and Deucalion

At this point, the "What is Lydia" plotline has been dragged out so absurdly long that I can't think of a possible reveal that won't be a let down.