
That should have definitely screwed up the tomatometer rating. A C+ is like a 76%, no? Critics submit the rotten or fresh designation themselves, so I think Sam Adams here didn't want to be the first critic to bump it up from 0% and cheated.

I do wish all the presenters could be like Harrison Ford, who seemed to make it his mission to scare the hell out of America and pop up from the ether.

He has bad luck with head injuries.

This just made me want to go back and watch the first season of Damages. That show that can't do flashbacks very well either, but goddamn, the in-between scenes were great and it did a better job at setting up 'The Firm That Will Take Over Your Life' construction that's plodding along here.

Pe-e-gy Hill

I fast forwarded a lot through last week's episode because it was painful to sit through. This is the first time where I watched 10 minutes and came straight to the recap. It's just such an awful show now that I wish people on other boards would stop defending it.

I'll be honest and say that I would enjoy this show a little more if Brea Grant was still on and not Blandy McBlanderson.

I was excited because I read "Garrett Dillahunt."

That sequence actually reminded me of the season 3 opener of Breaking Bad, where everyone's crawling on their bellies to make an offering.