Joining the 1pct

Musical themes were minimalist and awesome as always. Mind awake, body asleep indeed.

Lots of things happened this season. Jail and Ray. Darlene. Angela at Ecorp. Dom. Tyrell's awesome evil wife. It does not have to be a rule that TV shows have to have a linear path, or a big bad, or whatever. I want it to be enjoyable. And this season is something I have looked forward to every week more than

I loved those games. I used many hours on a Commodore playing the Bards Tale games.

With you, yes.

Awesome. Not awkward at all. Real bruises over makeup? I don't trust WhiteRose enough to be sure.

I loved the Commodore 64 in Angela's interview. It was only missing a dot matrix printer. The tension in all of Angela's scenes where killing me. And WhiteRose definitively is a woman in her mind. If I did not know that was BD Wong, I would never have known it was not a woman talking to Angela.

That episode excited and exhausted me. Someone is alive but is the "they" Santiago mentions Darlene, Cisco or both?


Yes they are less realistic. Right now, that is in the realm of science fiction and have never been observed in our reality. It is just a theory (maybe even an idea - theories usually already have some proof).

Sam Esmail is starting to give David Fincher a run for his money.

Joanna likes bondage and personal danger. Kidnapping is play for Joanna, and of course then totally confusing for Elliott. And Tyrell would do it without questioning The request because He too is a sick twist (especially if knows about Joanna/Elliott/Mr. Robot and goes with it).

They only did it after the premiere and tonight. There is also some web thing the other weeks, but I know nothing about it.

That actress always nail "smolder" in ways no other actress can even come close in recent years. I would watch a show about her manipulating and destroying men for kicks in an instant.

Not Angela! Loser.

Especially since they were both great. Darlene was one messed 5 year old. And I love the command of technology and confidence Elliott demonstrates. Have not seen that for a while (not since that sequence in Ray's office when he as hacking and discovering Silk Roads).

Alex seems to think there is going to be a unexpected twist about this being an alternate reality. I really hope not. Even though we see the world through Elliott as unreliable narrator, I appreciate the realism of the show. I hope we do not lose this at the end of the season. To me, that could be a cop out. On the

Would be nice but no one was in the camera shot except for the three of them. Dom was behind Darlene, and I think she kind of was pulled down by Dom. And Dom was only splattered with blood, not covered (which would have been the more likely scenario only if Darlene got blown away).

Music was even more spectacular than usual.

Like that? All of them is fine with me. They did it a lot last year too.

I vote for neither. Joanna's security man thought it was somewhere very inappropriate for a man like Tyrell.