Just found that out this afternoon. Cool, a twin like me (but both much more good looking)!
Just found that out this afternoon. Cool, a twin like me (but both much more good looking)!
Reasonable complaint. I didn't know what to think, but I think I liked it. Although the Darlene stuff was priceless.
I thought young Elliott was actually really good physically (and a good actor). Big eyes, angularish face (more filled out from youth). Vaguely Egyptian looking. Also, good costuming and hair.
Why make everything goofy. Nothing broke my heart more than Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor, especially in Superman 2. Man of Steel fixed that all for me. Yes, Jesse Eisenberg was not very good as Lex Luthor (too ticky) in BvS, but damn, if Gene Hackman and Ned Beatty didn't make me what to kill myself. And Mxyzptlk…
Well, kick out Armie Hammer for starters. The other three actually have had successful acting careers (The Tudors, White Collar, The Fall - at a minimum)
or Billy Bob Thornton.
Was that possibly the guy who used Naz' credit card at the commissary in the previous episode? ANd he does need to establish himself, as everyone would know about the commissary wussiness by now, even if that is not the guy in question.
Umm, the best would be:
Gone Girl
Both in Snowpiercer and in Top Gear - that's why he had to leave.
How could you not mention Lincoln Lee? He was such a great character, who seemed like a "one and done" situation, but instead healed and also became central to the show.
We know little of the reaction (other than Dorne and the Reach) outside of King's Landing. She does have the King's Guard, and probably the Gold Cloaks too (who was put in charge after Tywin removed Bronn?). I think she has effectively terrorized the city. Medieval history on earth has enough examples of vicious…
The septa would hate it all anyways. And Cersei strikes me as super wasteful and decadent. I bet Arbor's finest too.
I hope so. After this movie and the X-Men: First Class, I am really liking Matthew Vaughn.
As I've said as a knowledgeable Canadian sucking at Socialism's teat, I would love to volunteer for the Death Panels. "There! Kill that one!" And to be called a "Death Trooper" too? Sweet.
It's fun. Some of Matthew Vaughn's touches are jarring, but usually in a good way (such as the exploding heads sequence; Samuel Jackson's aversion to blood). Although I don't understand the reason for Samuel Jackson's lisp.
But what about when you have visitors from out of town? They won't need to rent a car anymore! Plus how else can you make out with your significant other without a car backseat?
Tell Scotland that.
When people feel this season is "so different" than past years, is it simply because most of it has been uncharted territory, outside of the books? And certain changes (i.e. Sansa going to the Boltons last year, instead of Jeyne Poole; the entire minimization of Euron and no Victarion; no Quentyn of Dorne; no Jon…
Add Theon in there for the first group, and he can be all wistful about it. Daario could be fun as well.
My guess is if he's smart it was all in American dollars and he is laughing himself to an increase in value (in the UK) of 20+%