
I had no idea this show existed, and after a quick IMDB search, half the young cast are from Dance Academy?! Is there an AVClub following for Dance Academy?! I MUST MEET OTHERS BEST SHOW EVER.

We shan't be telling your mother this, shan't we?

Mel Gibson trained in Australia at NIDA, which is regarded as Australia's best drama school (and also an 'Aussie' credential). They used to mention him in every breath… not so much these days…

As an Australian, I think I'd find it funnier if the show actually did go for the tough, satirical points - like Australia's (very serious) race problem, and our despicable relations with our Indigenous people. But I accept that's not really the nature of 'The Simpsons'…


I've always felt this 'bad stuff all the time, over and over' wasn't so much horrible, external things (although of course in the case of David after 'That's My Dog!' they could be seen as such), but rather what Teti identified in an earlier review: that 'Six Feet Under' is ultimately about how people try - and mostly


Sounds just like the 'Reunited!' show.

I was really worried Raja might sneeze and drench Detox in colour.

Can we get a chair for Olenna from 'Game of Thrones' too?

@avclub-c2f4107b6e40254227fa91ccae0a16aa:disqus Oh, Renly. How we miss the original sword swallower (through and through).

Ohhhhh. If only we could've known the horrors to come.

Ohhhhh. If only we could've known the horrors to come.