
It's so depressing that someone who had such a huge part in giving us that great series has gone so far off the edge. She's still occasionally funny, but she's a hardcore conspiracy theorist — oh yeah, and announces daily that she still hasn't conceded the election to Obama.

Yes! Her delivery of the word "Mother" was pretty much her crowning jewel. All that adolescent disdain turned it into the ugliest word.

I legitimately thought this was season finale until after the final scene. I was mildly angry. And now I'm mildly less angry?

I hated Becky at the time (I think I was about her age so that was part of the problem) but now I find her to be a really funny, well-drawn television character. I still wouldn't want to spend time with that person, but obviously that's not the point. The way she bounced off her parents and her siblings was pretty

He's an excellent guy. I don't have anything as awesome as Goodman buying me drinks in high school, but I'll offer up this mildly less fun anecdote:

I think I'm watching it wrong because I feel like Avery is one of the only interesting characters on the show. A TV trope I despise is the whole "young upstart must choose between sticking with his collaborators from childhood or taking a career opportunity few in the world are ever offered" and he chooses the latter

A lot of those extreme close-ups were due entirely to the live singing, so I think most (nominating) folks see them as one and the same. The problem was that if it's a battle number and not a solo, I don't care about some dude's face. I care about scale, but most of that was filled in with cartoon-y CGI. The unit

In general I'm sort of confused by so much of the response to the torture in the film being simplified to, "Clearly if important information is gleaned from torture, the movie endorses torture! If not, it's anti-torture." As if one can only be opposed to torture if no legitimate intel has ever once been gotten from

In general I'm sort of confused by so much of the response to the torture in the film being simplified to, "Clearly if important information is gleaned from torture, the movie endorses torture! If not, it's anti-torture." As if one can only be opposed to torture if no legitimate intel has ever once been gotten from

I'm not sure what people wanted to see. It seemed to me a pretty honest portrayal — that torture has happened is not a lie. That it is ugly is not a lie. That it has, at times, elicited good intel is also not a lie. That doesn't make it right, and portraying it as such doesn't condone it.

I'm not sure what people wanted to see. It seemed to me a pretty honest portrayal — that torture has happened is not a lie. That it is ugly is not a lie. That it has, at times, elicited good intel is also not a lie. That doesn't make it right, and portraying it as such doesn't condone it.

I'm surprised to hear that because I had the opposite response to the film. Maybe this was an overly simplistic take on it (probably), but watching the actual climactic sequence, I can't see how they could have pulled that off while just meaning to scoop him up and carry him out alive. That clarified it for me

I'm surprised to hear that because I had the opposite response to the film. Maybe this was an overly simplistic take on it (probably), but watching the actual climactic sequence, I can't see how they could have pulled that off while just meaning to scoop him up and carry him out alive. That clarified it for me

That's actually not accurate, though. MAJOR useful pieces of information are gleaned from torture in the film. (I say, weeks later, rendered completely irrelevant.)

That's actually not accurate, though. MAJOR useful pieces of information are gleaned from torture in the film. (I say, weeks later, rendered completely irrelevant.)

I did catch a few episodes and am now curious to watch the whole thing. Are they doing further seasons or was it a one-off?

Exactly. It's an incredibly annoying song until it's performed by a group of asylum patients.

It's definitely Pepper.

I actually liked most of Season 2 except for THE heinous story arc that everyone talks about. That was terrible, and it's often the primary thing everyone remembers of the season. Smash's storyline was great drama. And Tim was a whole lotta Tim, which is always awesome.

I actually liked most of Season 2 except for THE heinous story arc that everyone talks about. That was terrible, and it's often the primary thing everyone remembers of the season. Smash's storyline was great drama. And Tim was a whole lotta Tim, which is always awesome.