I don't think she needs to say, "I must have kids now or we're through!" Just wish she would tell him why she's asking.
I don't think she needs to say, "I must have kids now or we're through!" Just wish she would tell him why she's asking.
I don't think she needs to say, "I must have kids now or we're through!" Just wish she would tell him why she's asking.
Drunk at the zoo is a great life experience. The main thing I got from that scene was a reminder that I haven't done that in a while.
Drunk at the zoo is a great life experience. The main thing I got from that scene was a reminder that I haven't done that in a while.
I did think it was a little weak, though, that Cece didn't tell her boyfriend the situation. Kind of an easy out. An hour prior, she ALSO didn't want to think about having kids till years into the future but she had a jolt that made her look at things differently. He might have the same jolt, and she took it out of…
I did think it was a little weak, though, that Cece didn't tell her boyfriend the situation. Kind of an easy out. An hour prior, she ALSO didn't want to think about having kids till years into the future but she had a jolt that made her look at things differently. He might have the same jolt, and she took it out of…
Slip. Manic Compression is very good, but it doesn't stand up to obsessive-compulsive re-playing the way Slip does.
Slip. Manic Compression is very good, but it doesn't stand up to obsessive-compulsive re-playing the way Slip does.
Also, do we actually know that they're going to get married? We know they get engaged, and we know a wedding at least almost happens. I still worry.
Also, do we actually know that they're going to get married? We know they get engaged, and we know a wedding at least almost happens. I still worry.
Oh no! I didn't realize that was some sort of online cliche. How embarrassing. I need to get out more. (Or go on more websites. Or something.) Now I get why it inspired that reaction! (Can I still be the Lorenzo Lamas of feminism, though? I didn't really get it, but he sure was dreamy in Falcon Crest.) There is…
Oh no! I didn't realize that was some sort of online cliche. How embarrassing. I need to get out more. (Or go on more websites. Or something.) Now I get why it inspired that reaction! (Can I still be the Lorenzo Lamas of feminism, though? I didn't really get it, but he sure was dreamy in Falcon Crest.) There is…
My joke about whether or not NOW was going to take away my membership card was a sarcastic one, because I know they won't. Of course they won't. My very common preference is a well-established part of contemporary feminism. I wasn't challenging mainstream feminism, or suggesting that my behavior was unusual in its…
My joke about whether or not NOW was going to take away my membership card was a sarcastic one, because I know they won't. Of course they won't. My very common preference is a well-established part of contemporary feminism. I wasn't challenging mainstream feminism, or suggesting that my behavior was unusual in its…
I know this has been discussed at length and I know the show is just pulp, but both the station wagon kill-fest party time and Nero's little shooting spree just further highlighted how none of the criminals on the show ever even pretend to bother to cover up their crimes. But Tara's the one at risk of prison.
I know this has been discussed at length and I know the show is just pulp, but both the station wagon kill-fest party time and Nero's little shooting spree just further highlighted how none of the criminals on the show ever even pretend to bother to cover up their crimes. But Tara's the one at risk of prison.
Smits had his best episode of the season. Fantastic work from him tonight.
Smits had his best episode of the season. Fantastic work from him tonight.
Yikes. I certainly wasn't suggesting anything of the sort. I was responding to the tone of so many of the comments that were accusing the show of misogyny and saying how disappointed folks were that Barney didn't quit strip clubs for good.
Yikes. I certainly wasn't suggesting anything of the sort. I was responding to the tone of so many of the comments that were accusing the show of misogyny and saying how disappointed folks were that Barney didn't quit strip clubs for good.