
YES! YEHEEES!!! FINALLY!!! That Bitch Catelyn DEAD!! HOORAY!!! I thought the torture of seeing her in that 'tv serie' was enough for me to have skiped this entire season.

You guys both make excellent points, I must admit.

Yawn of thrones.

Homeland nowhere near the top 30? This is the best fucking list ever!! + 1 billion!

It didnt stop Michael C. Hall to steal away a few concepts. The intro of Dexter is a SFU V2.0 and the recurring ghost dad themeā€¦

They made a mistake. Though the writing was top notch in The Soprano's, it was the acting that was the best in any serie by almost the entire cast. Id put The Wire on top of my list in terms of writing any day of the week.

I actually thought he did a terrible accent too, and no way he was born American when I first heard him. At first my ignorant self thought that was a bad actor for The Wire, but his acting in general has grown on me.


Boy does The Shield bore me. I read lots of great reviews and comments from other av club users but for the life of me i cant understand what the fuzz is all about.

What a fucking joke this series is becoming.

This was fucking art! How great was the cinematography and camerawork? ONe of the most, if not THE best ever tv show episode in terms of visuals. Great, great story too. It can only go downhill from here. Better than this is impossible.

I hate this episode, an F from me. It doesnt matter how inexperienced you are, if you are hilding the assault riffle pointed at someone who doesnt blink to killl you, you shoot. That is your survival instict kicking in. Walt didnt do that. He even left the damn riffle in the car when Hank appeared.

Ive watched the entire series now, and think anyone who thought the name Breaking Bad was a bad one, wil now be completly convinced it was the right name.

With al due respect, I cannot respect a Tom Cruise movie review that rates higher than F per definition. The only movie that could be considered a B rating, is the one where we see Tom Cruise tortured and dismembered for 3 hours in ways that would shiver the makers of the SAW series.


Hed better sing:" I want money, money, money, and the rest of the band too, so we milk the name of a once great band."

cant even finish reading the review, so bad is mad men these days. A z score from me.

Fav moments/quotes:

Agreed this is the only TV series worth an A in every episode. I also agree after The Wire, and The Sopranos, I found I disliked everything else. The quality is so good.

AV Club: you guys are the greatest. I love the reviews, even if I get hugely mad and disagree, but without them Id never had a clue about the vast majority of great and quality tv shows.