Honey Bunches of Goats

I think there is also a problem about where Lorne Michaels looks for talent. The issue here extends down into the minor leagues, into Second City, the Groundlings, and the general white-dominated comedy circuit.

See, I don't mind a dickish comic (see Jeselnik, Anthony), but the tone has to match the content. While Kasher has a few kinda in-your-face-dickish jokes and seems to be mildly exhausted with the audience, it just never gels with his actual material, which alternates between self-deprecating and supercilious

I love how he thinks how he's somehow being modest or grounded by including a novelistic description of the humble Mexican restaurant where he was on that fateful day when a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON called to declare that he, too, was VERY IMPORTANT.

Yes, it was the most perfect distillation of the Male Gaze I've ever seen.

Yes, it was the most perfect distillation of the Male Gaze I've ever seen.

Maria Bamford's whole story was about how comments like that really used to hit her hard, even though now her response is more to embrace the crazy and throw it back in their faces. Just repeating the initial insulting comment isn't just a lame joke, it kinda reveals he completely missed the point of the story.

Maria Bamford's whole story was about how comments like that really used to hit her hard, even though now her response is more to embrace the crazy and throw it back in their faces. Just repeating the initial insulting comment isn't just a lame joke, it kinda reveals he completely missed the point of the story.

Wait, m. bison do you have no idea what schizophrenic means? Or are you really just repeating what the Morning Zoo mouthbreather said, that she has to be crazy simply because she does lots of voices and comes off as quirky? Seriously, what the fuck is the matter with you?  Did you even get the point of the video?

Wait, m. bison do you have no idea what schizophrenic means? Or are you really just repeating what the Morning Zoo mouthbreather said, that she has to be crazy simply because she does lots of voices and comes off as quirky? Seriously, what the fuck is the matter with you?  Did you even get the point of the video?

This. I have a standing argument with some friends about just how overrated Dark Knight is.

he easily hasn't heard of anti-humor
Yes, I am sure that Louis CK, a professional comedian who has been in the business for decades, has never heard of anti-humor. This must be true. I am sure of it.

he easily hasn't heard of anti-humor
Yes, I am sure that Louis CK, a professional comedian who has been in the business for decades, has never heard of anti-humor. This must be true. I am sure of it.

I've heard interviews where he has shown a lot of respect for what Leno does (and implying, with respect and, I think, perception, that Tonight Show was never going to be a good fit for Conan). I think he was pretty agnostic, fair, and loyal in that whole split.  I doubt he'd make it part of his show, because he so

I've heard interviews where he has shown a lot of respect for what Leno does (and implying, with respect and, I think, perception, that Tonight Show was never going to be a good fit for Conan). I think he was pretty agnostic, fair, and loyal in that whole split.  I doubt he'd make it part of his show, because he so

What makes Lizard Music so amazing is that it starts with the mundane adventures of a 70s suburban white kid left home alone (to smoke his mom's cigarettes! and stay up late eating TV dinners and watching B-movies!), then expands to his discovery of the city (riding the bus! meeting black people!), then hurtles into

What makes Lizard Music so amazing is that it starts with the mundane adventures of a 70s suburban white kid left home alone (to smoke his mom's cigarettes! and stay up late eating TV dinners and watching B-movies!), then expands to his discovery of the city (riding the bus! meeting black people!), then hurtles into

It's got to be The Westing Game and Daniel Pinkwater's Lizard Music as two of my all-time favorites.

It's got to be The Westing Game and Daniel Pinkwater's Lizard Music as two of my all-time favorites.

What annoyed me so much about this is that I think if VanDerWerff was actually thinking here and not just padding in a lame undergrad-y way, he has really missed the whole point of the show. No where has Weiner shown any interest in purity or incorruptible morality, or even sees his characters starting at a point of

What annoyed me so much about this is that I think if VanDerWerff was actually thinking here and not just padding in a lame undergrad-y way, he has really missed the whole point of the show. No where has Weiner shown any interest in purity or incorruptible morality, or even sees his characters starting at a point of