Dutch Baby

Young ones today ask what 'MTV' stands for. We all remember when it did not suck.

Yeah, they had a nice Mono remix.

@scrappybilly Air's Moon Safari is damn near perfect.

Their follow-up, 'Puppy' isn't bad, either (check out 'Blue Sky'). Side projects such as 2Bit Pie and Syntax are also worth seeking out.

Anita Berber. Holy shit.

Right on. One of my all-time faves.


Someone on Youtube has uploaded several full episodes of MTV's AMP. Talk about nostalgia.

Bentley Rhythm Ace was big innocent fun and I still love them.

You give Trans-Love Energies a listen? He's still got it.

Absolutely yes to Dead Cities. 'My Kingdom' is inescapably awesome.

That whole album is solid and everything since has been both interesting and listenable.

What *is* an X-19 laser beam?

I didn't know the Dungeon Master (and other characters) from Good Eats voiced Krieger. Too cool.

You don't disrespect the Chairman of Iron Chef America like that, buddy.

Yep it's a slog.

That's an apt description for KATG.

Thanks for that, I've enjoyed work from all 3 of them. I hope the podcast is as good.

No brumski. Party super party.