Dutch Baby

The nightwatchman was totally the Ditech.com guy. Kept waiting for him to say "lost another loan!"

That's no moon.

Arsenio is right, Social Network soundtrack is on sale @ Amazon for 2.99 though tomorrow, the 30th.

Wolverine Hair
He's got hair like Wolverine.

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club?

^ Truth. Listen to this album.

They're good, and they're good to fuck to.

I love you most of all, my favorite vege-table.

Odd Blood - Favorite Track
Bounces around but 'Love Me Girl' is pretty damn solid.

G'Kar was the Shadow?

I liked the soundtrack, how they paired artists.

I loved the end of 'There Will Be Blood' because hey, there was.

He was pretty bizarre on Parks & Rec.

That Wiseau interview is gold, especially when he calls the actor who played Denny retarded.

Mel Gibson has the best 'What?'

I always thought it was "SHOESTOPO!" and then when they die they say "I'M LAYMAN!"

Sir Lawrence, they have my vote.

I'd say 'That's that', Mr. PTA Critic, before I beat the hell from you.

iddqd, that's the username/avatar of the month. Congrats!

sarCCastro, I kinda dig that bit.