For the price point, Glenlivet 15 does it for me.
For the price point, Glenlivet 15 does it for me.
Indeed. I have a copy of said cookbook. It's worth a glance-over, for sure.
"If "plethora" comes around, however, tell him I'm not at home."
Kevin Conroy! Thanks Barnaby! Anyone remember Island City?
Not to mention 5.25 floppies. THAT'S a blast from the past.
I can dig it.
Seriously, when Gull strokes out and sees Jahbulon…freakin' amazing.
Jhawk - seconded. Turn up the bass on that and blow out the speakers.
Bonus points if Keith axes down a door a la The Thing.
Camel, Dr.,
Square One TV too. I esp. remember a country music ditty he did about 'that crazy number 9.'
Kodiac, nice Blues Brothers reference.
Wilford Beetus is the bomb in The Thing, especially when he goes apeshit.
Is Massacre at Central High the one where the killer offs people with hobby horses fabricated in shop class?
That's a fucking great interview. Don't hate.
He say you brade runna.
Business Model…OF THE FUTURE!
1. Give your shit away for free.
2. ???
3. Profit!
Keep up the good blog work.
It is the opinion of the entire staff that Dexter is criminally insane.
Momofuku's David Chang, not IES Chang.
Cleaner was pretty good Sam Jackson wasn't operating at 11 so that was also a nice change of pace.