
Thanks! I had completely forgotten.

I don't think she's a mole, but that's a good catch!

Do we know for sure that Eugene was not with the Human Genome Project? I can't see him lying to Negan, particularly for no reason.

Why on earth would anyone in this world kill a doctor? (Unless said doctor accidentally killed the community's First Husband, and was also beating up his own family?)

I thought it was just like, "Good! Another group of people to fight Negan!"

Could you put some inches between "spoiler" and what you said or format it so it's hidden?

No, that was a different group, which was all-women.

Yes! He's still doing amazing things and getting credit for it left and right! WIN.

Someone here kindly posted Hirst's interview with Variety, in which he talks of finding a villain in the form of Jonathan Rhys Meyers as the boinking bishop.

I don't know if I"m a prude or what, but they could have just strongly implied that he was going off to have sex with the widow, and then we would have gotten a taste for his character. Instead, we have more him-in-back sex. It feels very cheap.

I'm bummed. Although Vikings was never exactly high-brow entertainment, the "comforting" bishop scene means I'm officially watching a trashy show.
It can be a good, trashy show and I'll watch it (Game of Thrones, please and thank you).
But, we're heading into mediocre and trashy.
Time to read books again, perhaps.

That's what I was thinking — it seems like he got in one last trick?
I also wondered why the Vikings thought some guy who still had lots of power in his hands was just hanging around in his night shirt, alone (basically) and unguarded.

Which of his movies is that?

That did seem to be the case - that it is actually Helga that she is creeped out by, at least now.

There are a lot of missed opportunities, aren't there? Given that they play fast and loose with timelines, they could have just made Alfred older… or at least, look older, and lead the fight.

Chuckles Bites the Dust!

So, when people saw the guy who was going to be sacrificed, it was like, "Wait, who's that," yeah?

I had this thought that maybe Helga & Floki's adopted daughter was going to be sacrificed, as Athelstan was originally going to be sacrificed.

Go ahead and clear it by deleting it.

This worked as a series finale in that, watching it, you just want the whole thing to end.