
YES. :)

Was voting via a phone survey or something?

Has anyone here or anyone you have ever known, seen, or talked to voted for the People's Choice Awards? Who are these people, and why is their taste in stuff so very crappy? It's like they gathered up a group of everyone's One Friend who has terrible taste in movies, and is always trying to get you to see what they

I believe the way you do it is click on the little downward arrow thingy by your username (the version of your username that is at the top of the comments section, on the right, above the "share" and "favorite" icons), and a dropdown menu appears. There should be a choice for "Your Profile." That's all I got for now -

Awesome. I feel so vindicated! Kevin Smith must have some intel about the head of AMC that he threatened to spill.

Excellent! I will totally check it out. Reminds me of the Asimov novel, which I tried to read but couldn't get into… the one where tiny people go into someone's body.

Hold on — that is tiny Paul Rudd, as opposed to a life-sized Paul Rudd, and a gigantic ant from a Stephen King novel? Because it's the former, I take back everything I said about being
happy if they movie fails. Add some Rick Moranis, maybe this is Marvel's
answer to Honey, I Shrunk the Kids!

Vital tangent: Looks as if a lot of comic book readers are posting in this thread, so here is my burning question to you: Are you able to watch and enjoy Comic Book Men? You know, the show AMC hopes Walking Dead fans will watch because they lost the remote control? But I would respect it more if I knew that people who

Am I a bad person if I say that I will experience personal emotional satisfaction if this movie fails? I feel like if it doesn't, the world will make that much less sense. Why? Because even the less popular Marvel movie trailers never before have made me think, "Dang, that sure looks stupid." I am only meant to think

Ah. Gotta love Wonder Woman, but the fact that her uniform is so… close-fitting kind of kills the girl power for me. I felt like though it was mandatory for Agent Carter to be gorgeous and have a nice figure, the emphasis wasn't on what her body looked like but what she was able to do through wits, personality, and

Having never seen the Captain America films and only knowing the Marvel "universe" nominally, you totally lost me, but I appreciate you responding! :)

I wonder if the customer would have bitched about powdered eggs to the burly cooks in the back… no doubt who served in the war would have come up… actually, I think the cooks probably could have heard him talking. Moot issue, I guess, since the point was to see Agent Carter issue a physical "retort" to his comment.

I think it's time I went ahead and visited New York..

I totally dug the retro thing, and kind of wished more shows incorporated it. But then I realized you couldn't realistically cast non-White actors in most of the roles, without having to make the fight against racism a running theme (not that that would be a boring or unworthy feature, but it would take the focus off

I think you're both right, and the show got it wrong. It sure looked like waitress was picking up orders. From what I understand, at the Automat, you put some coins in a thingy and food came out (stuff like baked beans) into your bowl. Sort of like an old-timey vending machine, which sound way better than modern

Is it NY? I thought waitress friend (she can totally be my roommate!) referenced the L, which made me think Chicago.

I am very impressed so far… and the show makes me wonder why Marvel hasn't showcased any female heroines, beyond X-Men, which is an ensemble thing. Surely such a venture is a better idea than ANT-MAN (!)

Anyone else notice that Farmer Adoptive Dad (of Marigold) is kind of hot? Way hotter than the farmer Edith snogged back during World War I. Good thing the wifey doesn't know about that.

Thomas never hated James — quite the contrary. He is kind of in love with him - at least, he used to be. James was completely creeped out by Thomas coming on to him. But, but when Thomas gets pulverized by two ruffians rather than let James suffer the same fate, James agrees to be friends, so long as it is understood

I think the worst example of Downton Abbey Meets Groundhog Day was in the beginning of… what was it, Season 4? Bates and Anna had just saved Thomas's ass from the wrath of O'Brien thereby saving Thomas's job.