
I really wished Tyreese would have gone ahead and killed that zombie in the tracks, despite Lizzie insisting that they didn't "have" to kill it. Playing along with her delusion obviously wasn't the way to go. Not a good time to humor a kid.

It's a good thing that this was one of those love/hate, polarizing episodes. Even if it didn't work for you, it was good that the show took a risk. It doesn't make sense to hate on it for "playing it safe" and then rag on it for (possibly) crossing a line.

"I'm just not agreeing at all with all the "of mice and men ripoff"
complaints. Perhaps her character read the book years ago and it stayed
with her somehow. Art imitates life and vice versa. Even in the Walking Dead universe."

Obviously. (That counts as both my response, and the title of the finale.)

re: header pictures - totally. Not only was Rick not in this episode, I think that pic must have been from the first part of the season. Doesn't AMC provide new promotional stills for each episode?

I was thinking, although she said (I think) she was just about to kill Judith, that a baby zombie wouldn't have proven her (deluded) point, since the baby can't even talk.

Right. And it sounded like she said she was just about to kill the baby, too.
I wondered if they would have made the same decision if there was no baby with them.

But, it's Terminus, not Mordor. ;)

Well, I never said it was a good theory. :)
Still, though, it seems like when someone attacks your prison with a tank and tries to gun everyone down, and everyone you know has to scatter (mostly) on foot into zombie-infested territory, a safe bet is that they did not survive.

The analogy gets an F, anyway…Duncan never aimed a gun at Macbeth while they stamped through the forest; Duncan never tried to sexually assault Lady Macbeth; and Macbeth never suspected Duncan of shooting someone in order that they could be zombie bait.

It was problematic, though, wasn't it? Apparently, zombies are mushy, but it would take strength (I would think) to kill a human. Although I'm sure Mikka didn't think Lizzie would kill her, Carol had told M to keep an eye on L, although of course for different reasons.

Has anyone else not yet received their W-9 from AMC? I don't want to get audited come tax time.

When did they start having to pay by the letter for the titles of TWD episodes?

One theory is that they just decided to assume their loved ones were dead, and then try to move on. However, if that was the case, they should mention it.

Although this series is uneven and at times ridiculous, I try to go into each episode being game to enjoy it. Handlen makes some good points (particularly as to how Lizzie would have lulled Mikka into a false sense of security), but I feel like he's so pissed about the show's other weak points, that he is unwilling to

Take it from a thirty-something woman: it's "spanx."

A stand-up comedian did a really funny bit about the things they always do on Law and Order — like when someone is being questioned, and he's, say, unloading boxes from his truck. He can't be bothered to stop doing that, even though he's being questioned about a murder! (I understand why the creators do it - to make

1. On The Walking Dead, one of the characters was actually surprised recently when someone DIDN'T leave the keys under the (sun visor)?

There's a girl, and a guy, and they're only dating…

When "telling" in lieu of "showing" isn't banal enough, ya just say it with music.