
I'm aware that he has no chance of getting it, but I'm kind of shocked that no one has mentioned Anthony Jeselnik - I realize that his show was likely cancelled due to his jokes being evil or something like that, albeit not officially, and that makes him entirely too risque for CBS. But as white men go who have proven

I checked on good ole wiki and it said the prod. code for this episode was in fact number ten. Now, Wikipedia could just be freaking wrong, wouldn't surprise me, but they have the correct order of the other episodes that were played out of sequence, so maybe not. My point is, I really don't think it was intended as

Continuity and Montage
I was a bit disappointed with this one at first… it actually seemed more like it was from earlier in the shows run than later due to all the characters essentially showing almost none of the growth in character dynamics we have started to see develop thus far. Any time a show as good as this one

I'll make one quick comment and then just accept the fact that it's going to be forever ignored and/or mocked by everyone on here.


i swear this may be the first time I have laughed out loud from reading something on the internet in a couple of years. Harder than I've laughed at anything lately. Well done, sir.

I agree with everything said above… and with the sentiments of many who have already given up on the show. But I swear, even though I don't really have time to follow yet another show, one that barely works no less, I can't seem to stop watching it. I mean, I could. I could not DVR it and let that be that, but

liked it slightly better than that…
While not as laugh out loud funny as other equally touted shows, and while maybe not even as funny as other episodes of this show, this episode was a great example of why I love this show more than any of the other new series on right now. The writing is just so sharp, precise even.