
"Not that the audience is expected to care very much about… the furious sparks between Amy (Anna Chlumsky) and Dan (Reid Scott)"

The doctor being called Drrr was my favourite thing about this episode.

*Matt Walsh just crushes it. He's so oblivious, it's hysterical. His mime this week, his carrot in the background, and those faces he pulled when they were following Jonah around earlie this season.

I guess that goes back to Dan's fatal flaw: he thinks he's a lot smarter than he is. When Chung screws him, I hope he doesn't take Amy down with him.

Glen's truly abysmal. I guess the excuse for Glen is that he's Weiner's son so he doesn't need to be good to get a role. Perhaps Rolo is Glen's real life best friend.

I don't know what to think about Chung. Either he's a nice guy, and likes Dan, and actually wants to work with him at some point, or he's using Dan's eagerness to get him to do favours, like the playlist and setting up the bear widow interview. I don't think Amy's approached him though, and is just scouting out to see

Defcon: Fuck

I considered that too, but Dan was clearly enjoying watching her having a meltdown way too much to intervene. I don't think anyone stepped in because it'd just get noisier, and they needed to keep in down for the interview next door. Even though that guy was a massive tool, it's kind of Amy's job to just deal with it

Rats, I went to an all-girls high school. I guess there goes my incentive for ever attending a reunion.

Both Hugh Dancy and his missus are ridiculously talented at playing unhinged characters. Watching Will was pretty devastating.

You reckon? I wonder what Dan's going to do. Between this episode and the preview for next week, it seems he's suggesting Amy leaves as well.

@avclub-53ef3f6607f8a9d210d7ceb6c2eab5e8:disqus Jesus Christ she was eleven and had a crush on a boy, give it a break already! People are so unfairly cruel about Sansa.

I enjoyed them discussing if Dan had feelings.
"I saw him laugh once really hard when a security guard fell off a segway. Is laughter an emotion?"
And the VP wanting to know if Dan was just as stoic during sex.

He was reading off an iPad, so it would have said 'Slide to unlock' before he could pull up the article.

Mädchen. Good spotting!

I don't agree with you at all.

Dan and Jonah being drinking buddies was funny, but that was really a new low for Dan personally. It seems fairly inevitable that he and Amy are going to start hooking up again at some point.
Amy's reaction when Gary said he'd kiss Selina was majestic. http://imgur.com/bNf9qyX

I was super happy with how this episode turned out, but two things bothered me: isn't Alicia financially invested in LG with her $600,000? Surely she can't leave LG that easily? It also opens up the opportunity for Alicia and Will to date without having big workplace issues, but won't Will resent her decision to leave?

When these reviews first started I rewatched the first few episodes of Farscape, and then over the next two weeks rewatched the entire series. Reading these reviews has me considering going back over for a third time…