963 comments and not ONE (until now) about the greatest extra on DVD or Blu-Ray.
963 comments and not ONE (until now) about the greatest extra on DVD or Blu-Ray.
Hm. These days I wait for new disc euphoria to pass for a while and get things on sale, but when I was young(er) and foolish, I paid top dollar for The X-Files on VHS.
Brazil Criterion 3-disc set.
While the "in character" version is funny, I disagree - on the Laserdisc or the Voyager version on CD-ROM, the three are themselves, and sometimes it's funnier than the movie itself. They explain the cold sores, how everyone had to wear everyone else's clothes, the fight over writing credits (almost everything was…
When I had to go through orientation as a contractor at Coke - pardon me, The Coca-Cola Company - we were told a story about how a new building being constructed somewhere was sued by TCCC because the glass being installed on the outside looked too much like the color of a Coca-Cola bottle.