Logical Fallacy

I get the feeling that Wally isn't as on board with the whole super deep cover thing and really does want to retire.

Isn't the point of us reading the experts review that we don't have to use spoiler alerts? Let's actually talk about what happens in the books. That's what I came here for.

Isn't the point of us reading the experts review that we don't have to use spoiler alerts? Let's actually talk about what happens in the books. That's what I came here for.

The other two council members are probably corpses that Tarlokk has been bloodbending.

The other two council members are probably corpses that Tarlokk has been bloodbending.

Considering that I watched this episode illegally I have to say I found the whole 'Maurice is a bad guy because he pirates dvds' thing pretty hilarious. And he keeps them in a shed out back? Seems legit.

Considering that I watched this episode illegally I have to say I found the whole 'Maurice is a bad guy because he pirates dvds' thing pretty hilarious. And he keeps them in a shed out back? Seems legit.

I was concerned in the last episode that this show might have developed taste and was going to refrain from showing boobs every other scene. I am happy that I was wrong.

Yeah so it's a knockoff of a knockoff.

I just can't find a way to love and tolerate this cheap Spongebob knockoff.

I've disagreed with every one of this season's reviews.

Those other people don't know what the internet is so the only people being hurt are me and you. :(

Most of our conservative reputation comes from Western Kansas. And I don't think anyone actually lives there. In fact most of the rumors of its population are urban legends.

Awwwww…why the jab at Kansas?

AM I the only one who wants that Watchmen/Scooby-doo idea?

So this was ok, right? Maybe they don't have to make Akira now? Please? PLEASE!