booty savior

My dad and I are going to see this and Pitch Perfect 2 this weekend as a double feature. I'm still trying to decide which one we should see first.

*Marvel hires a black, female director*

I don't have anything to say about this and normally I would reply to someone else's comment but there's nobody else here soooo…. First?

Seriously, Guardians of the Galaxy is my nine year old sister's favorite movie.

I really do want to finish it at some point. At one point and I watched the first four episodes and stopped for about a year and then watched up until the fourth season in a week so I know I enjoy it. I just go through phases like that with television. Hell, I've still only seen the first season of the Wire. You know

I hope we don't see Green Goblin at all in these movies, though I doubt that will happen. Give me Rhino, Mysterio, Vulture, Chameleon, Morbius. Anyone but Green Goblin.

I never claimed my opinion was a good one. And it's been a while since I watched, but I stopped at the beginning of season four and I'm pretty sure she had just found out at the end of season three and I was already annoyed by her. So I don't think I hat

I haven't seen Warm Bodies, but 50/50 is one of my favorite movies ever, so I'm down with this.

That's because Skylar fucking sucked. I still haven't finished Breaking Bad because every scene with her makes me want to turn it off and I usually do. She's seriously that fucking annoying.

I don't think Canadian is a race

And it's a pain in the ass to right click on a bunch of them and you have to use the little squiggle instead of control even though there's a control button which are the two most annoying things I've ever experienced.

I would watch it just for the weird way Chris D'Elia moves his body

I don't know if this is legit but I refuse to google it and I will now tell everybody I know that that's the story! Thanks dude!

Does anyone know what C.K. stands for? If you respond with a hilarious joke answer, I will pretend that's actually it for the rest of my life.

Have you seen Good Neighbor Stuff? Him and Kyle are hilarious there and I think they should just let them do a ten to one sketch on every show because they're perfect for it.

Seems like a cool kid. Too bad Alex Smith won't throw any touchdowns to him.

Like I'm ever "moderately" inebriated.

Col. Sanders hahahahaha

As a fan of a team that sucked last year (49ers), the NFL Draft is my favorite event in sports. Who needs to watch your team play when you can watch them pick a player you don't want? All the mock drafts this year have us taking Arik Armstead from Oregon and I'm going to be really upset if we do take him. Like,

Col. Mustard hahahaha