
Mary Steenburgen better not be killed off the show. I wouldn't be worried on another show, but I could see Last Man on Earth actually going through with that, and I think that would be a dumb move.

I 100% agree with the criticisms presented here. The show's biggest problem is probably rewriting history and that was on full display here. I'm not upset where the storylines are going necessarily, but I'm frustrated on how these storylines are getting there. Sometimes, Shameless needs to take a breath and just have

Loved the ending! It wasn't perfect, but it was as great of an ending as I could have imagined for this revival. I loved all of the parallels and the feeling of closure but not full closure at the same time. My biggest complaint about the revival (okay, maybe second biggest because Rory sucks) was that some guest

This episode might be my favorite episode of the series especially because I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep going with the show much longer. It seemed like it could be a good chance to let go, but I think I'll be in it for the long haul (unless the writers really screw something up).

I love that the AV Club is covering Transparent, but why now? I think you should address that.

I'm baffled at the random Roots nominations. Anna Paquin and Lane Garrison get a nomination for essentially doing nothing? Homeland gets a nomination even though it should be ineligible since it didn't air in 2016. The critics nominate This Is Us (a good show, but undeserving of a drama series nomination when The

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be relieved or not by this. Boo? I think artificial intelligence is super creepy and I hope I die before we see technology like the technology in Westworld. We have Donald Trump to deal with at the moment.

I agree. I think this was the episode that really pulled me in after liking but not loving the first few episodes. I just love intimate episodes like these.

This episode was an A.

I actually thought this episode was great. I think the show is clearly slowly building to a big climax for numerous storylines and this was a hilarious episode that moved the characters along a bit.

I actually think this was a strong episode. Yes, the characterizations are wildly inconsistent, but this episode was legitimately hilarious.

I still feel like Poussey's death was handled well. I mean, this isn't coming from a black perspective. This is of course coming from a white, straight male perspective. So, if you don't want to hear what I have to say, don't read. I've read another article essentially saying the same thing on the issue. However, I

Somehow Juno didn't make this list? That was my only problem with it.

My only problem with the episode was the ending. All Kyle needed to do was to explain to Allison what happened. She may not have understood exactly what happened, but at least she would have got a version of the story. What happened did not feel true to Kyle's character. He could obviously never return to normalcy,

I'm thinking about quitting this show. I like it, but it's going the way that Empire did with their season two and it is becoming complete trash. It's sad because both shows have wonderful performances, but it's hard to watch those performances with such poor writing.

I understand how you feel about giving too much time to Healy. Since the show isn't really given a set limit on time, some episodes (like this one) run longer than they should. While the material isn't bad, it's sometimes just filler of info we could already essentially infer.

While the episode was very predictable, it was also immensely satisfying to see everything fall in place. I understand your point of view, but I also couldn't really imagine Game of Thrones going any other route than how this episode ended up.

The pronunciation of Arya is not are-ee-uh. It's are-yuh. Get it right.

Definitely a B episode and not a C+ episode

In what way did this episode deserve a B-? The episode was great.