
Rock Out With Your Block Out… Those sneaky lovable bastards.

Let's all just agree to pretend that that episode never happened. Someone yell change approved, please!

I really loved Courteney this week. Not as much Jules and COURTENEY as herself. She looked amazing (her face has generally just gotten better since the premiere where she looked like botox on legs) and I always love when CC dances. Monica dancing on Friends was always a favorite of mine (especially fat Monica dancing).

You mean your favrote kind of joke.

It was alright, not brilliant but good enough for some lighthearted TV. There is, however, no way you can grow out bangs like that within 6 months.

Jayma Mays. Adorable. They should have used her more, I would've been be ok if they had cast her as the mom, too.

Lou Ferrigno Jr. as Louis. Ok…

@avclub-e77c7b588569860fddcbe6e3d528295d:disqus you do know that British people aren't the same as German people, right? There's a difference there, that being that the UK isn't Germany.

"Anyone else think that Lisa’s makeover session was only going take place in Andy’s head?"

Oh and what was the point of Rita Wilson's super short appearance as Marnie's mom early in the season? Was that supposed to have impact? Was that supposed to be anything? Why is Marnie even still a focal point? Does anybody care about Marnie? Anyone?

I don't think Adam's other relationship is healthy per se because he's Adam and that sex scene from last week was countless degrees of wrong and creepy. How she could overcome this is beyond me. What is it with girls falling for Adam anyway?

That was amazing, you rarely hear such a creative simile.

Ok whaaat? That last scene was too corny! Adam can't even put a shirt on? Couldn't care less about the Marnie character anymore, what a mess of a person, so stuck up. Bitch. The best storyline was Shoshanna's, dumping Ray's ass finally!!! Hate that dude. Hannah calling Jessa was gold. I'm kinda unsure how I feel about

So did I. It still doesn't justify it though… I just hate when shows mess with continuity, especially like CT did here. Why would they even establish backstory if they go and mess with it like this. You can't take anything for face value then.

Continuity my ass. Jules and Ellie met a sample sale according to Jules where she got trampled by Ellie.

It's just funny that the episode would pride itself on its continuity and yet they completely changed the way Jules and Ellie met. Back in season 2 Jules told Travis that she and Ellie had always had a complicated relationship and that they met at a sample sale (right?) and that Ellie trampled her or something. This

I've never hated Andy more than I did watching that episode. Why they made him such an obnoxious character is beyond me, there was a time when I was rooting for him. Now he's, to borrow the words from Mr. Dermot Mulroney, the pus that infects the mucus that cruds up the fungus that feeds on the pond scum.

It's KIRSTEN, are you kidding me?

She adopted a black son so of course she's gonna have black descendants.

If that's an SJP reference I want to punch you in the face really, really hard.