
The whole PhiPhi/Sharon thing made me consider giving up on the show after that season. It was just that toxic.

I hope AllStars two isn't just an excuse to give a runner up a consolation prize. Chad is lovely, but the entire program could've been done better.

In her outgoing (tumblr?) message, even Jinkx herself couldn't manage to finish the phrase.

I don't think Pandora would sign up for another round of All Stars, due to her experiences with the first one.

Michelle's critiques can be off, but "executive realness at Jiffy Lube" was perfect.

And cats.

Hannibal: Murder Tutor. What kind of psychiatrist indeed.

I wonder if it was a test for the queens, to see if they could handle a guest that wasn't easy to warm up. There were queens who bombed miserably due to the questions they posed/lack of preparation, but the guests came off as unnecessarily rigid at times.

Joslyn's line about skinning animals alive was just straight up disturbing.

I loved Ben's runway-I thought Courtney's was a Victoria's Secret knockoff.

After S4 season Untucked nastiness and All Stars, I was pretty turned off. I know there was some suspicion how Mimi went from the bottom of the barrel (votes wise) to in the top 10 on the AllStars casting poll, but I blame the producers and whoever constructed the poll for that-they didn't limit voting to once every

Perhaps I should clarify. The S6 queens were trying to help Langanja-the All Stars queens were intentionally being cruel to Mimi.

A bad move on Laganja's part if it was calculated. Girls who are always "on"/playing a character usually get called out by the judges/weird out their castmates/get eliminated.

I was turned off by the desperation strip.

I don't think the only thing Laganga takes is her namesake. With her mood-swings and outbursts, I think she was in withdrawal from something more powerful.

Only child here, and not mindbogglingly insane.

Langanja's freakout outside of the lounge was disturbing, especially the shriek. I do believe the queens were trying to be helpful, not mean, like the queens on
AllStars v. Mimi Imfurst.

I'm pretty sure Laganja has serious mental issues that haven't been addressed by a qualified professional.

Trinity keeps bringing up the "I'm not a seamstress/singer/comedian" excuse, and I'm glad she got asked, "well, what do you do well?"

I do give Jinkx credit that she stated in an interview the producers gave her a favorable underdog edit and some her behavior that lay outside of that characterization was edited out.
I hate forced storylines-Heathers v. Boogers, PhiPhi v.
Willam/Sharon, underdog Jinkx v. Roxxxy (primarily), Alyssa v. Coco. Raja gave