
When Roxxxy was going on her comedy rant I yelled "Starbooty!"

I checked the #TeamJinkx, Alaska and Roxxy twitter hastags early last night: Jinkx had 3,000+, Alaska had 2,000+, and Roxxy had a little over 500 votes. I haven't checked tumblr, FB, or Pinterest yet.

"No capes!"
         -Edna Mode

IICR, I think Jinkx said they knew some about what challenges they were going to do, and the audition required them to present certain aspects/characters-etc. They knew they would have to prepare a look for the Snatch Game. Roxxxy's obliviousness astounds me.

Alaska's final speech was EPIC.

During the lipsync, I thought she was going to try to trip Jinkx.

Unfortunately, just as Sansa got rid of her naivete and was being schooled in playing the game, we get another naive character SPOILER BOOK 5
Penny, who seems to have a rehashed naive Sansa arc,

It made me want to have a Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte/Whatever Happened to Baby Jane double movie viewing.

The routine was cute, but it just served to increase Roxxxy's inflated ego.

Semi-related: WHY is Damon Cardassis on Elimination Lunch w/ Michelle Visage? He's pretty, but he's boring and he hasn't even said anything so far in this ep (Detox Elimination interview). He just stares glazed-eyed into the camera. Also: Detox has selective amnesia when it comes to the Roxxxy/Jinkx bullying.

It's weird how Roxxxy contradicts herself when insulting Jinkx-in the same sentence she'll say Jinkx is boring but then say her weakness is that she has "eight different personalities." Seriously, both in and out of drag Jinkx/Jerrick has an impressive resume and the show has lead me to see out more of her/his stuff.

Serving spoiled three year old realness.

It boggles the mind that Roxxy has made it this far with the same look (well. other than drama). IMO she should have gone awhile ago.

I like that Alaska recognizes Jinkx as a threat/top contender but doesn't go the nasty route that Roxxxy does. You can still have the drive to win, but still respect your competitor. Acting like a mean middle school girl (the mini challenge was proof that Roxxxy doesn't understand the different between mean/funny and

I know, when they did the vet drag episode and Roxxxy walked onto the stage I was like and one piece in 3…2..1..

ImPopeNow re: the liqor. If I was one of the queens I'd learn how to hold it or not drink it at all. If if was a promo thing I would pretend to take a sip, knowing your limits is key.

Agreed, if you don't want to seem nasty, don't say it in the first place. Love her or hate her, I love that Michelle has called out the clique mentality this season.

I read two pages of the Twilight books and my eyes crossed. Don't have any interest in 50 Shades of Gray or any of the Mya Banks books. I recently walked into a bookstore and saw someone had put a bunch of copies of The Story of O as a part of the 50 Shades, etc. stand. If any 50 shades readers pick that up….

Nebraska was hot!

When Detox was listing all the extra stuff she had done (meaning non-accident related) I felt that I was listening to someone who was still trying to mentally piece together her identity after her accident and was using surgery as a means to try to heal herself.