
They need new blood in the judges' chairs.

I know this is a weird thing to say, but I feel strangely compelled to rub Nina Flowers head.

I know this is a weird thing to say, but I feel strangely compelled to rub Nina Flowers head.

@avclub-e9308ddd417ab6c88042a71f916af7a5:disqus  You're welcome!

@avclub-e9308ddd417ab6c88042a71f916af7a5:disqus  You're welcome!

If we're counting graphic novels Constantine: Son of Man is my top pick (it includes an undead, evil kid mutilating and raping his father, which ensured that I'd never read it again).

If we're counting graphic novels Constantine: Son of Man is my top pick (it includes an undead, evil kid mutilating and raping his father, which ensured that I'd never read it again).

Like some reality shows (maybe all, since there's usually a super fast disclaimer at the end of a good bit of these things that the producers have heavy clout), I felt the winner (Tyra) was pre-picked. I remember in one of the earliest eps of the season Tyra mentioned she had a son and got an extended conversation

Like some reality shows (maybe all, since there's usually a super fast disclaimer at the end of a good bit of these things that the producers have heavy clout), I felt the winner (Tyra) was pre-picked. I remember in one of the earliest eps of the season Tyra mentioned she had a son and got an extended conversation

@avclub-e9308ddd417ab6c88042a71f916af7a5:disqus  You're right, I shouldn't place all of the blame on Alexis (I hope it didn't come off that way). For some reason some queens just wanted to stir the pot (par for the course, but this was especially vicious). We all watch Untucked for the drama, but that was uncalled

@avclub-e9308ddd417ab6c88042a71f916af7a5:disqus  You're right, I shouldn't place all of the blame on Alexis (I hope it didn't come off that way). For some reason some queens just wanted to stir the pot (par for the course, but this was especially vicious). We all watch Untucked for the drama, but that was uncalled

Oh Lord, could you imagine what would happen if they brought Phi Phi back, and paired her with Pandora?!

Oh Lord, could you imagine what would happen if they brought Phi Phi back, and paired her with Pandora?!

I thought the voting was suspect as well. Mimi went from being one of the last ranked to being 3rd or 4th in under 24 hours. After that the show instituted a "one vote every 24hrs" rule.

I thought the voting was suspect as well. Mimi went from being one of the last ranked to being 3rd or 4th in under 24 hours. After that the show instituted a "one vote every 24hrs" rule.

@avclub-93b01e5ee2be710c6bc3ac49ada27c7b:disqus  Raja would have sex, but she does seem a bit mean spirited and would probably talk shit about it afterward to everyone she knew.

@avclub-93b01e5ee2be710c6bc3ac49ada27c7b:disqus  Raja would have sex, but she does seem a bit mean spirited and would probably talk shit about it afterward to everyone she knew.

With Nina and Tammy you get bilingual crazy! Fun times for all!