
Del Toro/Wainwright
I'd love,love,love for Guillermo to work on Sandman.

I thought it was odd that Rick was told that he was relying on another chef's idea/talent while another chef's beets weren't his own idea and he was praised for that.

PG? So the child rape and dismemberment scene in the boook didn't faze you?

Red Hot Hate Dancing
I think I've got a new band name!

Hmmmmm….don't know whether I'll bother to see this or not…..

Is she that hard up for work?

Product Placement
Other than showcasing Ryan Renold's snarkiness, the whole movie was just product placement for Apple. And for some reason, disturbingly, Wesley Snipes erection (prison breakout scene).

I made a better costume for a play in elementary school.

Was an epic douche in this one.
I didn't think Vitolio and Karla were the worst couple: the judges were a bit evasive as to why they were in the bottom three.

Sorry, I meant to type MLP.

I miss the earlier seasons, which weren't limited to MKP using her vagina to get herself in/out of slippery situations.

"In one dimension, mankind evolved from apes. In the other, mankind evolved from dinosaurs. In the third, true, dimension, the one that involves our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God created the world in six days and chillaxed on the seventh, and Satan created a false fossil record and an alternate dino-universe

Free Blender
When I was in college, they used to dump stacks of these outside the mailboxes. They did this for about a year, until the deliverer realized the magazines should have gone to the bookstore downstairs.

Last Supper
Maybe the heat is influencing my choice-but I'm going to go with homeade coconut ice cream (with coconut shavings). Or, the closest thing to homeade they can find if this is a death row type of situation.

The only thing consistent about Heroes is Mohinder-consistenly irritating.

But, what if the ICE immunity falls through/Claudette finds away around it?

Sorry, forgot about the Vic thing.

I mean, overbearing where Claudette is concerned, not about refusing to plant evidence/sign Billings doctored letter.

Rumor of four major deaths
I'm calling it for