Jick Doke

i liked the ep, especially the Mitchell line about Cam's rarely-mentioned farmlife past.


Yesiree… That's ShowBiz!

well, it is a long way to the top, if you want to mock n roll

yah, "Soothe my Soul," their second DM single, is a much better depechemode-y ambasssador

i say.

but, who's gonna drive you home?

i'm feeding on this glorious disdain! as a wise man said, on the Chappelle Show, "if you have hate in your heart, let it out."

red codpieces fer everyone!

so, Safron works with Stefon?

…and yawning.

a week later & at work, the last words of murdered blues legend, Sweet Willie Walker: "My wallet? Yeeaaah Riiiight!" almost sent me into Lil' Wayne levels o' seizures.

he kinda scares me now. though him & CrazyCatLady could make fer an interesting pair…

yah, i seem to say this minutes later & not as smoov

i understood a weezy cyborg as a prelude to the intended asthmatic Vader.

i WISH she had; all dat black & white besuitedness, i thought of her too.

"i can smell the VD in the a.v. club tonite"

wave hello, say goodbye to innocence

Forcefield (co-writen)

Nigel Godrich at helm of some 'basement' tv station playing with effects as Beck & crew put it down PG Fellini style! Beck remarked something to the effect of 'it'd be funny if the video interpretations took away from the songs.'