Jick Doke

"My dear boy, can't you hear her snoring?" as he swats away the flies.

for example?

i love that we're all filling-in the behind-the-scenes story. (no "Royal We" intended)


especially her cousin!

Damn, Gina!

Krazy Kat! (but with a brick)

mayhaps a nod to Dumbeldore, with HarryPotter & uh, pottery peripherally part of the plot.


caught dat too

she's a natural blonde who dyes her hair brunette, obvs insane, aspirations of fame… maybs she's the Dark Jenna?

the resulting hash at the bottom of Frosted Mini Wheats!— so much sweeter, yet, so finite

i'm sure the issue of Taxes will come up…

yah, but his BoyzIIMen song killed me.


"it's me, Casper…"

wacky dichotomy, like 2 sides of the same coin…

i turned my head to the side and

wait, you didn't see his split-second cameo behind Door#2 ?

like there's not a tumblr about that out there.